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Serials / Serial properties / About issue title elements
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    About issue title elements
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    The fields you see on the Title Element dialog will vary depending on the Element type you select. We've listed all the fields below.

    Element type

    Specifies the type of element. Select "Cover date" for elements such as a day, week, month or year, and "Enumeration" or "Date independent enumeration" for elements such as volume number, issue number or part number. Select "Text" if you wish to enter the element as free text.

    Date format

    Specifies the format of a "Cover date" element.

    1st quarter

    If you set Date format to "Quarter" then specify the first quarter here.

    Southern hemisphere

    If you set Date format to "Season" then you can select this checkbox to specify that Spring is in September, October and November rather than March, April and May.

    Add days and Add months

    Add days and Add months are used with combined cover dates and specify the number of days or months between the first cover date and the second.

    For example, say we have a bimonthly serial and we want the issue title elements to be January/February, March/April, May/June, etc. To do this, we can set up two issue title elements with Element type set to "Cover date" and Date format set to "Full month name". The first element would have Suffix set to "/" and the second would have Add month set to "1".

    Click here to see an example where we've used Add days.

    Prefix text and Add trailing space to prefix

    In the Prefix enter any text you wish to appear before the element. For example, you might wish to prefix the volume number with "Vol". Some typical prefixes are included in the drop-down list.

    Select the Add trailing space to prefix if you wish a space to appear between the prefix and the element.

    Element case

    Specifies the case for the title element.

    Case does not apply to the prefix or suffix.

    Suffix text and Add trailing space to suffix

    In the Suffix enter any text you wish to appear after the element. For example, you might wish to insert a comma after the volume number and before the issue number.

    Select the Add trailing space to suffix if you wish a space to appear after the suffix.

    Display format

    Specifies the format of an "Enumeration" or a "Date independent enumeration" element type.


    The default frequency is taken from the 008 tag of the bibliographic record, but you can change this if you wish.

    Rollover frequency

    If you select the Rollover frequency option then the enumeration will begin again from the number you specify in the Element has the value field. The Rollover frequency specifies how often the enumeration will rollover. This must be less than the Frequency specified above.

    If the Frequency specified in the enumeration settings is the same as the frequency of the serial itself then Rollover frequency is automatically selected and set to "Annual".


    Specifies by how much the enumeration will be incremented for the specified Frequency.

    Element has the value ... For the date range

    Specifies the initial value of the enumeration and the date when this value will be set. You can change the date if you wish.

    Rollover maximum

    This is used with "Date independent enumeration". On the Issue Maintenance page you can click Next to create the next issue based on the serial properties. Once the enumeration reaches the Rollover maximum, the enumeration for the next issue will go back to "1".

    Dependent element

    This is used with "Date independent enumeration" and specifies the text to be used on the New/Edit Issue dialog box. If a label is not specified then the Prefix will be used. If a Prefix is not specified then the Code will be used