Let’s set up the issue title elements for a weekly serial. Looking at the issue in our hands we can see that the title is:
June 27 - July 3, 2016 Volume 24 Number 25
We can set up this title using seven elements.
Let’s set up these elements. Click here for a detailed description of each field.
We want the full month name as the first title element, so we'll set Element type to "Cover date" and Date format to "Full month name". We don't need to specify a prefix or a suffix, but we do want to select Add trailing space to suffix so that there is a space between the first element and the second one.
The second title element is the day of the month, so we'll set Element type to "Cover date" and Date format to "Day of month as decimal". We've entered a space and a hyphen as the Suffix text, and we've selected Add trailing space to suffix because we want a space between the second element and the third one.
The third element (like the first) is the full month name. Notice that we’ve set Add days to 6. This is the number of days between the first cover date and the second (7 - 1 = 6).
If the first element and the third element are the same month then only the first will be displayed. For example, “June 20 - 26” will be displayed rather than “June 20 - June 26”. The third element will only be displayed if it’s different from the first.
We've also selected Add trailing space to suffix because we want a space between the third element and the fourth one.
The fourth title element (like the second) is the day of the month. Notice that we’ve set Add days to 6. This is the number of days between the first cover date and the second.
We've entered a comma as the Suffix text, and we've selected Add trailing space to suffix because we want a space between the fourth element and the fifth one.
The fifth title element is the year. We've selected Add trailing space to suffix because we want a space between the fifth element and the sixth one.
We want the volume as the sixth title element, so we’ll set Element type to "Enumeration" and Display format to "Numeric".
We’ve set the Frequency to "Annual" and the Increment to "1" since the volume will increase by one every year. We’ve specified the volume for a particular year in Element has the value ... For the date range.
We’ve specified the Prefix text to be displayed before the volume number.
And we've selected both Add trailing space to prefix and Add trailing space to suffix.
We want the number as the seventh title element, so we’ll set Element type to "Enumeration" and Display format to "Numeric".
We’ve set the Frequency to "Weekly" and the Increment to "1" since the number will increase by one every week. We’ve also specified the Rollover frequency as "Annual", i.e. the number will rollover every year. We’ve specified the number for a particular week in Element has the value ... For the date range.
We’ve specified the Prefix text to be displayed before the number, and we've selected Add trailing space to prefix.
Here's how the issue title elements look on the Serial Properties dialog.