Spydus Help
In This Topic
    Cancel/Refund lost charges at return
    In This Topic

    This feature requires server version 10.8.2 or higher.  

    When a lost item is returned, libraries may wish to cancel as yet unpaid charges associated with the lost item, or to refund those charges that have already been partially or fully paid. The parameters discussed below relate to the default state of the checkboxes (if not processed automatically) or the automated action (if processed automatically) will be.

    To specify whether the lost and lost processing charges are cancelled and/or refunded when a lost item is returned:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Circulation > General Parameters.
    2. Set the Cancel/Refund lost charge at return parameter as required.
    3. Set the Cancel/Refund lost processing charge at return parameter as required.
      • Setting this parameter to Process as per cancel/refund lost charge setting means that that the same behaviour will be applied to lost processing charges as to the lost item charges, per the previous parameter.
        If this setting is chosen, then a maximum of 2 (two) checkboxes will be shown; one for cancelling lost charges, and one for refunding. The term Lost charges refers to both the lost item and lost processing charge. 
      • Setting this parameter to No means that that;
      • Setting this parameter to Yes, cancel means that;
      • Setting this parameter to Yes, cancel and refund means that;
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.
    Null means the same as No.