Spydus Help
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    Process lost charges at return automatically
    In This Topic

    This feature requires server version 10.8.2 or higher.  

    When a lost item is returned, the Cancel/Refund parameters determine what the default behaviour of Spydus is in relation to lost item and lost processing charges. The Process lost charges at return automatically parameter allows Spydus to perform the default actions without any confirmation by staff.

    To specify whether lost charges are processed automatically;

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Circulation > General Parameters.
    2. Set the Process lost charges at return automatically parameter as required.
      • Setting this parameter to No means that that when a lost item is returned, a prompt will be displayed. The Cancel/Refund parameters will determine the state of the checkboxes at this prompt, and staff are required to confirm the action taken.
      • Setting this parameter to Yes means that that when a lost item is returned, Spydus will automatically take the default action/s as specified by the Cancel/Refund parameters
    Null means the same as No.