Spydus Help
Circulation Offline / Recover offline transactions
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    Recover offline transactions
    In This Topic

    Once the library system is back online, you can recover the offline transactions.

    Notification of transactions to be recovered

    If there offline transactions to be recovered you'll see a notification when you start Circulation Offline.


    You'll also see this on the Spydus Circulation Offline Manager dialog, for example:

    Recover offline transactions

    To recover offline transactions:

    1. Click Recover Transactions on the Spydus Circulation Offline Manager dialog. 

    The Pending column shows how many transactions are still to be recovered.

    1. Select the recovery options.
    • In the Filename box, specify where the recovery report is to be saved.
    • Select Automatically open report after recovery to have the report showing details of the transactions open automatically after the recovery.
    • Select Include unsuccessful transactions in report to show details of any errors in the recovery report, for example:

    Transaction errors: 2

    1) Failed to issue item:A2323232323B, for borrower:C4003D

       ...Invalid item ID ''A2323232323B' deactivated record'

    2) Failed to return item:A200405111313B

       ...Invalid item ID ''A200405111313B' deactivated record'

    If this check box is not selected, then the report will simply give a count of the number of errors encountered, for example:

    Transaction errors: 2

    • Select Include successful transactions in report to show details of successful transactions in the recovery report.
    1. Click Recover Transactions.

    Example recovery report

    In this example we've included unsuccessful and successful transactions.

    Offline Recovery
    Started : 2:05:56 PM Wednesday, 6 September 2017
    Finished: 2:06:09 PM Wednesday, 6 September 2017

    Total new borrower registrations: 2/2
    Total issued: 6/6
    Total returned: 2/3

    Transaction errors: 1
    1) Failed to return item: 005673953
       ...Item status 'Damaged' set 24/05/2017 blocking return

    Successful Transactions: 10
    1) Created borrower: B13270617
    2) Created borrower: B13302413
    3) Issued item: A05100816B to borrower: B1949
    4) Issued item: A01101418B to borrower: B1950
    5) Issued item: A14010914B to borrower: B1950
    6) Returned item: 005183250
       ...Please return to Beaumont Library
    7) Returned item: 004681866
       ...Please return to Bridge Library
    8) Issued item: 007160409 to borrower: B13270617
    9) Issued item: 007120052 to borrower: B13270617
    10) Issued item: 007038708 to borrower: B13302413

    ----------- End of file -----------

    Offline error reconciliation

    Some errors reported in the recovery report will require action to address the cause of a failure. Some offline errors are simply reports of why a transaction has not been created in Spydus for a transaction processed while offline.

    Here are a number of error reports that you may see in the .txt file:

    Clear offline transactions

    Once the transactions have been recovered, click Clear Recovered Transactions to clear them from the PC.

    If you wish, you can click Clear All Transactions to clear the transactions that haven't yet been recovered as well as those that have.

    What if there's a more recent online transaction?

    What happens if an item is returned offline and then issued to another borrower before the offline transaction (i.e. the return) is recovered? Does recovering the transaction return the item?

    And what happens if an item is issued offline and then returned before the offline transaction (i.e. the issue) is recovered? Does recovering the transaction issue the item?

    The simple answer is that you needn’t worry about it. When you recover the transactions, Spydus will do a few checks to make sure all works correctly.

    For an offline return

    If the last-sighted date on the item is later than the date and time of the offline return then the return is ignored. You’ll see a critical “LASTSIGHTED” alert against this return in the recovery file.

    For an offline issue

    If the last-sighted date on the item is later than the date and time of the offline issue then a completed loan transaction is created for statistical purposes but the item is not updated. That is:

    • If the item has been issued again since the offline issue then it’ll remain on loan.
    • If the item has been returned since the offline issue then it’ll remain as returned.