If you've enabled multiple copy reservations then you'll see a field for selecting Number of copies required when you place a reservation and the title has more than one reservable copy.
To reserve multiple copies of a title:
- Select Enquiry from the Module Menu. Search for the titles you want, e.g. you might select Search Holdings, Advanced Search and then enter keywords in the Subject field.
- Press F7 to pop up a search window, and search for the titles you want.
Pickup location. This will default to the borrower's home location if they have never placed a reservation before and if the selected location is flagged as a pickup location. If the borrower has previously placed a reservation then it will default to the pickup location they last selected. Items to reserve. This lets you select a specific item or an item from a specific location. If you do select a specific item then Number of copies required is set to 1 and can't be changed. Number of copies required. Select the number of copies you want. Not required until. This lets you suspend the reservation. For example, say Not required until is set to 31/10/2016. If an item is returned before this date then it will not be allocated. If an item is returned on or after this date then it will be allocated. Not required after ... or date. This lets you specify a date when an unallocated reservation will expire. Notes. Here you can add some notes about the reservation.
If you set Count a multiple copy reservation as a single reservation to Yes then a multiple copy reservation will be counted as a single reservation when Spydus checks on the maximum number of reservations allowed. The placement charge and allocation charge are still applied to each child reservation.
We create a parent reservation with a child reservation for each copy you've requested. Charges are applied to each child reservation. The total placement charge and allocation charge are shown on the confirmation page. In the example below the placement charge for each reservation is $1.10, so since we're reserving three copies the total placement charge is $3.30.
In the Brief Display in Enquiry, the child reservations show the title and the parent shows "Multi-copy reservation". Cancelling the parent will also cancel all the child reservations.
The hold period for any allocated item is extended until all the requested items are allocated and at the pickup location.
Reservation available notices are only generated when all (incomplete) reservations in the multi-copy set are allocated and at the pickup location. When an item is allocated, you’ll see a link to the multi-copy request in the alert. You can click that link to see details of the reservation.
You can use the Parent and Multiple copy fields on the Reservation Search page to find multiple copy reservations.
In Circulation you can edit or cancel each child reservation, or you can edit or cancel the parent. You can also cancel the child or parent through Enquiry.
To help identify multi copy reservations, you'll see text in the Status/Pickup Details column on the My Account>Reservations page, e.g. "Part of a request for 3 copies".