Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Working with a file of MARC records / Select the records you want to work with
In This Topic
    Select the records you want to work with
    In This Topic

    Once you have opened a file of MARC records, you can select the specific records you want to work with.

    Select records using the mouse

    Click the row to select the record you want.

    To select multiple records on the same page:

    To select multiple records across several pages, use CTRL+Click.

    The number of records selected is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

    Mark and then select records

    As well as using SHIFT+Click and CTRL+Click to select multiple records, you can mark each record you want and then select all these marked records.

    1. Click a record or records.
    2. Click Edit, point to Marks, and then click Mark selected record(s).
    3. Repeats steps 1 and 2 to mark all the records you want.
    4. Click Edit, point to Marks, and then click Show marked record(s).

    To unmark any records you have marked for selection, click Edit, point to Marks, and then click Unmark selected record(s).

    Select all records

    To select all records click Edit and then Select All.

    Search for particular records and select them

    To search for and select specific records :

    1. Click Edit and then Select/Change.
    2. Under Record selection, choose the one you want — Select, User current selection or Select all.
    3. If you choose Select then you can further refine your search:
      • Under Record format, choose the one you want — BIB for bibliographic records, AUTH for authority records or COM for community information records.
      • To restrict the search to a specific field select the Leader checkbox or type the tag in the Tag box.
      • To restrict the search within the leader select the Containing checkbox, specify the Start position and Length, and type the text you want to search for in the Search text box.
      • To restrict the search within another tag (not the leader) select the Containing checkbox, and type the text you want to search for in the Search text box.
    4. Click Next and then OK.

    To sort the records so that the selected ones are listed first, click Edit and Sort By Selection.

    Reverse a selection

    To reverse a selection, i.e., to select the records that are not currently selected and to de-select those that are, click Reverse Selection on the Edit menu.

    For example, if you want to select all the records that DO NOT have an ISBN you might first search for and select all the records that DO have an ISBN, and then reverse the selection. To do this:

    1. Click Select/Change on the Edit menu.
    2. Click Select, BIB and then enter 020 in the Tag box.
    3. Click Next and then OK. All the records with 020 tag are now selected.
    4. Click Reverse Selection on the Edit menu to select all the records that do not have tag 020.

    As another example, say you want to select all the records that have an encoding level less than full. To do this:

    1. Click Select/Change on the Edit menu.
    2. Click Select, BIB and Leader.
    3. Click Containing.
    4. Set the Start position to 17 and Length to 1.
    5. Enter a space in the Search text box.
    6. Click Next and then OK. All the records with full level encoding are now selected.
    7. Click Reverse Selection on the Edit menu to select all the records that have an encoding level less than full.

    Deselect records

    To deselect records that are currently selected, do one of the following:

    Remove selected records

    To remove the selected records form the list click Edit and then Remove Selections.

    This removes the selected records from the list. It does not delete the records from the file.

    Sort records

    Click in the Status, Format or Title column headings to sort the list alphabetically by status, format or title.

    To sort the records so that the selected ones are listed first, click Sort By Selection on the Edit menu.