Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Working with a file of MARC records / Validate a file of MARC records
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    Validate a file of MARC records
    In This Topic

    Validate records

    To validate all the records in the list, click Validate All Records on the Tools menu.

    To validate one record or some records, click to select the record(s) you want and then click Validate record(s) on the Tools menu.

    There are three statuses that can be returned from validation.

    Valid  The syntax is OK. Remember that an upload might still be rejected for other reasons.

    The record will go to the server when you try to upload it, but the upload might be rejected.


    The record will not go to the server when you try to upload it.

    Spydus will validate details such as the ISBN check digit, indicators, codes, repeatable subfields, and length (e.g. the number of characters in the 008 field).

    Display validation and load messages for one record

    To display the validation and load messages for one record in a file:

    1. Select the record you want.
    2. Click Messages on the Tools menu.
    You can also display a record’s validation and load messages by clicking the Edit Record(s) option on the Tools menu, and then clicking Messages.

    Display validation messages for all records

    To display the validation messages for all records in the list, click List All Validation Messages on the Tools menu.

    Count shows the number of records that have each message. To go to the record or records that have a particular message, click the message you want and then click Select.

    You might use List All Validation Messages to find and select all the records with the same error, and then Select/Change to correct the error in the selected records.