Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Create a new record using a Cataloguing worksheet / Worksheet entry for Digital Assets
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    Worksheet entry for Digital Assets
    In This Topic

    Spydus enables cataloguers to add digital asset records and store them in the Digital Assets Management repository. Digital assets can be in any known format, such as images (jpg or png), Word documents, PDF files, MP3 music files, or videos.

    These assets can link and display either through the 856 tag for electronic resources, or in the holdings table with physical copies.

    To add a digital asset to the 856 tag

    This workflow can be used for any type of digital asset, but will be most useful for adding links to URLs.

    In Spydus 10.6 and forward, it is not possible to load Digital Assets via the 856 tag.
    1. Fill out details on the worksheet entry form as usual.
    2. Under Electronic Address, select the option Store digital object in Spydus and click Upload.
    3. Click Select Files to browse and find the digital asset, and click Open.
    4. Complete any relevant details such as adding folder, tags or access properties, and then scroll to the bottom of the Asset Upload/Select dialog and click Add to add the digital asset to the DAM database.
    5. Click Accept & Close. You'll see the Digital Document ID in the worksheet.
    6. Click Submit Details to create the record.

    To add a digital asset to the holdings table

    This workflow will add digital assets of any type to the record’s holdings, but will be most useful for adding images, music and video files or documents.

    1. Fill out details on the worksheet entry form as usual.
    2. You might choose to use the photograph worksheet if you are adding an image.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the worksheet and select a Location and Collection.
    You might choose to create a location and/or collection specifically for your digital resources. This will allow you to control access via a loan policy based on location, collection and/or borrower category.
    1. Under Copy Details, click Upload (to create a new Digital Asset record) or Link (to link to an existing Digital Asset record.next to the Digital Document ID.


    1. Click Select Files to browse and find the digital asset, and click Open.
    2. Complete any relevant details such as adding folder, tags or access properties, and then scroll to the bottom of the Asset Upload/Select dialog and click Add to add the digital asset to the DAM database.
    3. Click Accept & Close. You'll see the Digital Document ID in the worksheet.
    4. Click Submit Details to create the record.