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    Enquiry features in Spydus 10.6
    In This Topic

    JSON-LD and Turtle savedlist output formats

    This feature requires server version 10.6.1 or higher.  

    SavedLists are now able to be exported in JSON-LD (.jsonld) and Turtle (.ttl) formats.

     Include reservation pickup location description in enquiry holdings display of allocated items

    This feature requires server version 10.6.1 or higher.  

    When viewing the holdings of a bibliographic record, if an item has been allocated to a reservation, the pickup location of that reservation will be displayed in the Holdings Status/Desc field. 

    Support cover images from eContent titles in Enquiry

    This feature requires server version 10.6.1 or higher.  

    Bibliographic records harvested from an eVendor API will now display their cover thumbnails in the Enquiry module.

    Add facets to digital assets staff enquiry

    This feature requires server version 10.6.1 or higher.  

    The following facets have been added to the Digital Assets Enquiry search for refinement:

    These facets can be configured via Enquiry Parameters.

    Files with extension tif and tiff cannot be display as image source in staff enquiry 

    Unlike compressed image formats, .TIF and .TIFF files can only be downloaded from the Edit Record interface in Digital Assets, not from the record Full Display in Enquiry.

    Modify staff enquiry to display link from item record to online resource record

    This feature requires server version 10.6.1 or higher.  

    If an ERM Online Resource has been linked to a Bibliographic/Item record, the link to the Online Resource will be displayed at the Item record Full Display.

    Update staff enquiry display to support 10.6/Azure digital assets

    The Enquiry module had been updated to support the display of new Digital Asset record types, as well as now displaying links from existing record types to Digital Asset records.