Spydus Help
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    General features in Spydus 10.6
    In This Topic

    Stop users from signing into WBA if they have failed to use correct password X number of times

    This feature requires the following minimum server version and patch: 

    • 10.2.8
    • 10.5.2
    • 10.6.1

    In Spydus 10.2 and 10.5, commissioning is required. Please contact Civica support.

    Added parameters to implement the ability to block users from attempting to log in after failing to log in a specified number of times. See Staff General Parameters for more detail.

    Change order of SavedLists in Enquiry user menu



    When a new SavedList is created, it will now appear at the top of the SavedLists in the user menu instead of at the bottom.

    Add the ability to disable Spydus Notification in WBA 

    Libraries may choose to disable the notifications that users receive when new items appear in widgets assigned to them.

    Please contact Civica Support for assistance as commissioning is required.  

    Allow staff to reset their password

    This feature requires server version 10.6.1 or higher.  

    Staff users may now reset a forgotten password if there is an email address attached to the user account.

    This feature is unable to be used for user accounts flagged as a Generic user or an API only user. 

    Allow users to sign into WBA using O365/Azure AD credentials, via a SSO implementation 

    This feature requires server version 10.6.2 or higher.

    Spydus may now be configured to facilitate Single Sign-On (SSO) using Office 365/Azure ActiveDirectory credentials.

    This functionality requires additional commissioning and a fee applies. Please contact your Civica Account Manager for more details.

    Allow users to perform 'overrides' for functionality within Spydus if SSO is enabled

    This feature requires server version 10.6.2 or higher.

    Functions in Spydus that require an authorised user to 'override' functionality (e.g. Generic users processing payments) will continue to function as expected for users logged on via Single Sign-On.

    Some commissioning may be required to either restrict or leave open the options for the authorising user to enter SSO credentials, Spydus credentials, or both/either. 

    This functionality requires that SSO already be configured, which itself requires commissioning and is chargeable.

    Please contact Civica Support for assistance as commissioning is required.  

    Clean Local Storage when new version WBA released

    When an updated version of the Spydus web-based apps are released, there have previously been browser errors associated with cached data from the previous version. Local storage will now be automatically cleared when a new version is detected, so these errors will no longer occur.

    Improvements to LCF (Library Communications Framework) API integration