Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Borrower categories / Details for borrower categories / Bookings / Apply trap after this many no-shows
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    Apply trap after this many no-shows
    In This Topic
    Select the checkbox to the left of a parameter to inherit the setting from the default borrower category. Clear this checkbox if you want to change the setting for the selected borrower category. You can also click Inherit All and Inherit None to inherit or disinherit the settings for all parameters.

    A trap can be automatically set against a borrower if he or she fails to collect a number of bookings within a set period. This is set up in the borrower category.

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then Borrower Categories.
    2. Select the category you want from the list.
    3. On the Details tab, set a number of bookings in Apply trap after this many no-shows and a number of days in Days for no-show trap. For example, if you set Apply trap after this many no-shows to 3 and Days for no-show trap to 180 then a trap will be set if the borrower fails to collect three bookings in a 180-day period.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Apply trap after this many no-shows and Days for no-show trap only apply to items that need to be checked out or issued.