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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Borrower categories / Details for borrower categories
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    Details for borrower categories
    In This Topic

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    Allow no charge on print requests

    Set this to Yes and a print request can be free of charge without triggering the PRTREQNOCHRG alert.

    Apply demerits Specifies whether demerits are applied to overdue items.
    Apply overdue fines

    Specifies whether fines are applied to overdue items.

    Apply trap after this many no-shows Applies the booking no-show trap to a borrower if he/she has this many no-shows within a set period. The period is set in Days for no-show trap.
    Birthday alert age, cutoff period and ID

    Use these parameters when you want to display a birthday alert at the front desk.

    Charge after lost period

    Specifies whether to apply the replacement charge to a borrower when a long overdue item becomes lost, i.e. after the Lost period specified in the loan policy.

    Charge after lost period when claimed returned

    Specifies whether to apply the replacement charge to a borrower when a loan is declared claimed returned for longer than the Lost period if claimed returned specified in the loan policy.

    Charge after lost period when reported lost

    Specifies whether to apply the replacement charge to a borrower when a long overdue item that's reported lost becomes lost, i.e. after the Lost period specified in the loan policy.

    Check existing loans for bookings Set this to Yes and Spydus will look at the booking policy to determine whether borrowers can book a title they already have on loan. Set this to No to allow all borrowers in the selected category to book a title they already have on loan.
    Check existing loans for reservations Specifies whether to check a borrower's existing loans when you try to place a reservation.
    Check loan history Specifies whether to check a borrower's previous loans when you try to issue an item.
    Check previous loans

    Specifies whether to check a borrower's loan history when you try to place a reservation.

    Date of birth mandatory

    Specifies whether birth date is mandatory in borrower registration.

    Days for no-show trap

    This is used with Apply trap after this many no-shows to determine when to apply the booking no-show trap to a borrower.

    Demerit removal mode Controls when demerits are completed
    Expired registrations borrower category

    The category to set when a borrower's membership period expires.

    Global ID This is used when new borrower accounts are created automatically in another institution. It's also used in the scope of global reservation policies.
    Maximum bookings

    The maximum number of bookings that a borrower can have at one time.

    Maximum claimed returned loans

    The maximum number of loans claimed returned that a borrower can have at one time. Null means no limit.

    Maximum loans

    The maximum number of loans that a borrower can have at one time.

    Maximum overdue demerits

    The maximum demerits for one overdue item.

    Maximum overdue fine as amount

    The maximum overdue fine for one item, expressed as an amount.

    Maximum overdue fine as multiple

    This is used to calculate the maximum overdue fine as a multiple of the first additional fine. For example, if this is 50 and the first additional fine is 0.10 then the maximum overdue fine is 5.00.

    Maximum overdue fine as percentage

    This is used to calculate the maximum overdue fine as a percentage of the item's value. For example, if this is 50% and the item's value is 30.00 then the maximum overdue fine is 15.00.

    Maximum overdue points

    The maximum overdue fine for one item, expressed as points.

    Maximum reservations

    The maximum number of reservations a borrower can have at one time.

    Membership deposit

    Charge to be applied automatically when a new borrower is registered.

    Membership joining fee

    Fee to be applied when a new borrower is registered.

    Minimum age limit

    The minimum age limit for borrowers in this category.

    Overdue demerits grace period in days/minutes

    The number of days or minutes an item can be overdue before demerits are applied.

    Overdue demerits offset period in days/minutes

    The number of overdue days or minutes that will be offset when calculating demerits on a returned item.

    Overdue grace period in days/minutes

    The number of days or minutes an item can be overdue before fines are applied.

    Pay charges before renumbering borrower

    This specifies whether outstanding charges must be paid before the borrower can be renumbered.

    Postal delivery amount

    Amount to charge for postal delivery.

    Postal delivery mode

    Specifies whether the postal delivery option will be offered in reservation placement.

    Print request amount limit

    The maximum amount a borrower can owe before the PRTREQCHRGLIMIT alert is triggered when a print request is made.

    Print request charge limit active

    Set this to Yes and print request charge limits will be checked.

    Print request points limit

    The maximum number of points a borrower can owe before the PRTREQCHRGLIMIT alert is triggered when a print request is made.

    Processing charge for lost cards A processing charge to apply when you change a borrower's barcode number.
    Processing charge for lost/damaged items

    The processing charge to be applied to the borrower for a lost or damaged item.

    Registration auto extend Specifies whether you're prompted to automatically extend the registration expiry date.
    Registration expiry cutoff period

    Set a period of days here and the BRWREGEXPDUE alert will be displayed at the front desk if the borrower's registration is due to expire within this many days.

    Registration expiry date

    This will override the default expiry date calculated using the Registration start date and Registration period.

    Registration period

    This is used with the Registration start date to calculate the default expiry date.

    Registration start date (dd/mm)

    This is used with the Registration period to calculate the default expiry date. If you don't specify a start date then the one from the borrower details will be used.

    Registration workflow approval required

    Set this to Yes and, if workflow approval is active, a borrower registered in the selected category will be flagged for approval with a status of pending.

    Set trap when items long overdue

    Specifies whether a "long overdue" trap is set against borrowers when they have any long overdue items.

    Succeeding borrower category

    This is used with the Upper age limit. When a borrower reaches this limit, he or she is automatically moved into the succeeding category.

    Upper age limit

    The upper age limit for borrowers in this category. When a borrower reaches this limit, he or she is automatically moved into the Succeeding borrower category.