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    Bibliographic Search
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    The Bibliographic Search page in the cataloguing menu is a search page for finding bibliographic records using accession numbers, BRNs, ISBNs, ISSNs, title, author, subject, dewey class, year, record type, language. encoding level, FRBR level, MARC type and or associated staff members.

    Performing a bibliographic search will allow you to not only find individual records however to also create savedlists, further refine your results and to translate results into copies, holdings, issues, items, loans, requests, ratings and comments, and many other translations that may be associated with the record. An example of how you might use the translate function when searching for bibliographic records is to translate your results into all items related to your search.

    Translating a set of bibliographic titles into the items associated with the title will allow you to see at a glance where titles a borrower is interested in lending are located and if that item is available or not. Below is an example of how this would look when a bibliographic search has been translated into all items which are linked to the bibliographic titles returned.