Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Policies / Booking policies / Borrower privilege level for bookings
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    Borrower privilege level for bookings
    In This Topic
    Select the checkbox to the left of a parameter to inherit the setting from the default policy. Clear this checkbox if you want to change the setting for the selected policy. You can also click Inherit All and Inherit None to inherit or disinherit the settings for all parameters.

    You can specify a borrower privilege in the booking policy. Borrowers must then have the same or higher privilege level in their registration details to be able to place a booking under that policy. To specify a borrower privilege in the booking policy:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation, Policies and then Booking Policies.
    2. Select the policy you want from the list.
    3. Set the Borrower privilege level.
    4. If there are records linked to the policy then you'll be prompted whether you want to update the existing policy or create a new one and deactivate the existing one.
      • Click Update if you want to update the existing policy. The records linked to the policy will be updated.
      • Click Create New if you want to create a new policy. The records linked to the existing (deactivated) policy will not be updated.
    5. Click Save or Save & Close.

    The borrower privilege levels are set up in the ZBL lookup table, and can be maintained using the Table Manager.

    See Also