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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Policies / Booking policies
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    Booking policies
    In This Topic

    What would you like to know about?

    Advance period in days/minutes Specifies how far in advance you can place a booking. Set one of these parameters for a policy, either days or minutes.
    Allow bookings Allows items under this policy to be booked.
    Booking checkout charge The charge to be applied to the borrower when a booked item is checked out.
    Booking placement charge The charge to be applied to the borrower when a booking is placed.
    Booking type Specifies whether booked items need to be checked out, checked in or issued.
    Borrower privilege level Specifies the privilege level the borrower requires to be able to place bookings.
    Check existing loans Specifies whether borrowers can book a title they already have on loan.
    Confirmation required Specifies whether a booking must be confirmed before the item can be checked out or issued.
    Due date lag in days/minutes The lag period between an issue to one borrower and a booking by another. Set one of these parameters for a policy, either days or minutes.
    Expiry period in minutes If the borrower fails to collect a booking within this period then it will automatically expire. This only applies to items that need to be checked out or issued.
    Lag for item in days/minutes The minimum period between two bookings of the same item by one borrower. Set one of these parameters for a policy, either days or minutes.
    Lag for title/material collection in days/minutes The minimum period between two bookings of the same title or material collection by one borrower. Set one of these parameters for a policy, either days or minutes.
    Maximum adjacent booking slots The maximum number of consecutive slots that can be selected for one booking by one borrower.
    No-show charge The charge to be applied to borrowers who fail to collect an item they have booked. This only applies to items that need to be checked out or issued.
    Refund period in days/minutes Controls whether the placement charge is automatically waived or refunded. Set one of these parameters for a policy, either days or minutes.
    Total booking slot days and Total booking slots These are used to determine how many booking slots a borrower can select within a specified period.
    See Also