Spydus Help
Maintenance / General maintenance / User Accounts Bulk Update / Editing a CSV file for User Accounts Bulk Update
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    Editing a CSV file for User Accounts Bulk Update
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    This feature requires server version 10.7.1 or higher.  

    After either downloading a template or exporting user data, the .CSV file may be edited in a spreadsheeting application (preferably), or in a plain-text editor.

    The first row of the CSV is ignored in the Bulk Update utility as it is always assumed to be the column headers.  


    The first column in the CSV is the Action column. The Action Code specified in this column defines what changes (if any) will be performed on the user described in that row. Each Action requires at least one field as mandatory.

    The utility supports different actions being taken on different rows. i.e. It is possible to Add accounts, Delete accounts, Change accounts and Update accounts all with a single file load.


    Action Code

    Required fields



    All mandatory fields (columns marked with a leading asterisk in the template) are required.


    IRN required, all other fields optional.


    IRN required, all other fields optional. If fields marked mandatory are empty in the template, they will not be changed. If optional fields are empty in the template, they will be cleared.


    If IRN is set with a valid user account IRN, the corresponding account will be updated. If the provided IRN is not a valid user account IRN, an error will be displayed.

    If IRN is not set, the ID field will used to retrieve the user account. If the ID matches as existing account, it will be updated. If the ID does not match an existing account, it will be created.

    Do nothing


    Caution: The Change action will clear (set to null) any optional fields with no value.  

    Once the CSV has been updated to include all the required details, save the file locally before using the Import File feature.