Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Collections / Stock rotation for collections
In This Topic
    Stock rotation for collections
    In This Topic

    About stock rotation

    You can set up stock rotation parameters in the collection to automatically circulate items between different locations. When you return a stock rotation item, Spydus carries out a number of checks to determine whether the item is to be moved to another location.

    1. First, the system checks whether the item is onloan.
    2. Then, if the item is in a “floating collection”, it’s moved to the location where it was returned.
    3. If the item is not in a “floating collection” the system checks whether the number of loans at this location has reached the Maximum loans or whether the item has been at this location for the Maximum days.
    4. If neither of these conditions is true then the item will remain at the current location. If either is of these conditions is true then the system will try to move the item to the next location in the list — and will work through the list until it finds a location where the item has not yet been.
      • If a new location is found, the system checks the number of items already held there. If this is equal to the Maximum items then the system checks the next location in the list. If the Maximum items has not been reached then the item’s location is changed and a message will prompt the operator to move the item to this new location.
      • If the item has already been at all the locations, it’s moved back to the first location in the list. If the first location already has a copy then the item is considered “unmovable”.

    This process is summarized in the flowchart below.


    Set up stock rotation for a collection

    To set up stock rotation for a collection:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then Collections.
    2. Select the collection you want from the list.
    3. On the Stock Rotation Locations tab, set up the parameters you want (see below for details).
    4. The settings from the parent collection are automatically inherited by the child so you'll need to disinherit the parameter(s) you want to change. You can do this by:
      • clearing the checkbox to the left of the parameter or
      • clearing the Inherit from parent checkbox or
      • clicking Inherit None.
    5. Click Save or Save & Close.

    As well as the parameters in the collection, two other stock rotation parameters you should note are:

    As well as defining stock rotation at the collection level, you can also use stock rotation plans when you want to rotate items based on the title rather than on the collection.

    Floating collection

    In a "floating" collection the item’s location is automatically changed to the one where it was returned. To set up a floating collection:

    Then if you return a stock rotation item at any of the locations in the list, its location will automatically be changed. You’ll see STKROTFLOAT alert to tell you that the item has been stock rotated.

    If you return an item at a location that isn’t in the list you’ll be prompted to return it to the location where it was issued.

    To enable collections to float across institutions, there must be an equivalent collection in the other institution with the same collection code or global collection code.

    Stock rotation active

    Specifies whether stock rotation is being used for the selected collection.

    0 No, even if Stock rotation allowed is selected for the item.
    1 Yes, but only for items that have Stock rotation allowed selected.
    2 Yes, even if Stock rotation allowed is not selected.

    Stock rotation default

    Specifies whether the Stock rotation allowed checkbox in Item Maintenance will be selected by default for items in the selected collection.

    Null means the same as No.  

    Stock rotation suspended

    Set this to Yes if you want to suspend rotation for a period.

    Null means the same as No.  

    Stock rotation type

    Specifies the rotation type.

    0 Continuous.
    1 Cycle once then return to original home location.
    2 Cycle once then remain at last location.

    Click here for an example of each rotation type.

    Stock rotation locations

    Defines the sequence in which locations are checked when an item is due to move. If you return an item at a location that isn’t in the list then you’ll be prompted to return it to the location where it was issued.



    If items are not rotating as expected, check that the rotation parameters are configured as below:

    If the item's collection is set to Floating = Yes

    Circulation General Parameters

    Collection parameters (Stock Rotation Locations tab)

    When an item is floated the item's home branch is altered to the returning branch and the item's sub-location is cleared.

     If the item's collection is set to Floating = 'No'

    Circulation General Parameters

    Collection parameters (Stock Rotation Locations tab)