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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Stock rotation plans / Examples of stock rotation types
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    Examples of stock rotation types
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    This rotation type will rotate the items in a continuous sequence. This means that if a Stock Rotation Plan is set to this type with four branch locations, then once a rotation sequence moves from Location A right through to Location D, it will rotate to Location A again, and the sequence will continue, until this item is removed from this stock rotation plan.

    For example, Plan A is:

    City: max 3 loans / max 4 items

    Caulfield: max 2 days / max 5 items

    Clayton: max 1 loan / max 3 items

    Main library reading room (sub location): max 3 loans/ max 3 days

    In the above example, an item in City will rotate whenever any one of the criteria is met first. So, if the item has been issued and returned 3 times, the item will rotate to the next location — Caulfield — and so on. However, because the max items criterion is set as well, if Caulfield library already has 5 items linked to the same plan, no more items will be rotated to Caulfield. The item will then skip Caulfield and rotate to Clayton.

    Cycle once then return to original home location

    This rotation type will rotate items only once. It does not matter if an item is first rotated in a location within a plan that is not its home location.

    Example – Plan B is:

    City: max 20 days/ max 10 loans

    Caulfield: max 20 loans/ max 20 items

    Clayton: max 20 loans / title check count 10

    The item’s home location is Clayton. However, the item was first issued and returned at Caulfield. The item will then rotate to Clayton, then City and skip Caulfield and return to the home location Clayton. Once this plan is complete, the item will remain at its home location until it is moved to a different plan, or if the plan is ‘reset’.

    Cycle once then remain at last location

    Items linked to this type of plan will rotate once, and remain at the last rotated location.

    Example – Plan C is:

    City: max 20 days/ max 25 items

    Caulfield: max 25 days/ title check count 10

    Clayton: max 30 days/ max 10 items

    This type of plan will ignore the home location of the item. Therefore, an item whose home location is City can be first issued and returned at Caulfield. The item will rotate according to the criteria met in the plan, and if it is able to, will rotate to Clayton and stay there. However, if there are already 10 items (linked to the same plan) at Clayton, the item will rotate to City and not rotate anymore.

    An item does not always have to start in its home location for the stock rotation plan to be iterated. An item may be issued or returned in a separate location within the plan. For example, Item A (whose home location is A) is first issued and returned in Location B of the plan. When the criteria of this plan in Location B are met, the item will rotate according to the plan. So, if Location C is after Location B, the item will rotate to Location C and so forth.
    If you want to restart a "cycle once" plan for an item, open the item in Item Maintenance, select null for the Stock rotation plan and click Save, and then select the original plan again and click Save & Close.
    See Also