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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Stock rotation plans / Add, edit or delete stock rotation plans for items
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    Add, edit or delete stock rotation plans for items
    In This Topic

    Stock rotation is typically defined at the collection level. However you can use stock rotation plans when you want to rotate items based on the title rather than on the collection.

    To add, edit or delete a stock rotation plan:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then Stock Rotation Plans.
    2. Do one of the following.
      • Click New to add a new plan, and set the parameters you want (see below for details).
      • Select the plan you want and then click Edit to make changes to it.
      • Select the plan you want and then click Delete to delete it. You can only delete a plan if there are no items currently linked to it.
    3. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Two other stock rotation parameters you should note are:


    You can set up stock rotation plans and link it to items. However, if this plan is not required in future, you can suspend it so that it cannot be selected and linked to any other items. Existing items linked to a suspended plan will also no longer rotate.

    Initial period

    This allows you to specify the number of days that an item is held in its home location before it is rotated. The initial period is only applicable if the home location is not in a plan. This is also relative to when the item is first available.

    For example:

    Plan 1 consists of Locations B, C & D (sequentially). Location A is not in the rotation plan. When an item is first issued and returned at Location A, it will stay there till the number of days set in the initial period is fulfilled.

    After the initial period (for e.g. 30 days) is fulfilled, the item will rotate to the first location in the plan (in this case – Location B).

    When any of the other criteria is met, the item will move to the next location (according to the rotation plan).

    However, this only applies to the first time an item is issued and returned. Once an item has been through a plan (or is in the midst of a plan), the initial period criterion is void.

    Note: While an item's home location does not need to be in the rotation plan, there must be at least two locations in a plan for the rotation to trigger.

    i.e. if it is desired to rotate between the home location and a single other location, it is recommended to add the home location to the plan and configure the other plan parameters appropriately.

    Rotation type

    Specifies the rotation type.

    0 Continuous.
    1 Cycle once then return to original home location.
    2 Cycle once then remain at last location.

    Click here for an example of each rotation type.


    Defines the sequence in which locations are checked when an item is due to move. If you return an item at a location that isn’t in the list then you’ll be prompted to return it to the location where it was issued.

    You can change the sequence of rotation using Move Up and Move Down.