Spydus Help
Acquisitions / Complete orders
In This Topic
    Complete orders
    In This Topic

    An order can only be completed if it has a "Part Filled (Active)" status. If it is has a "Confirmed (Active)" status, then you can only cancel this order as it has not received any items against it yet.

    When an order is completed, the order status will read "Part Filled (Complete)". When you view the orders in Enquiry, it will show that the order has a "Part filled" status, but completed.

    If you select multiple orders and some of those order cannot be completed, e.g. if they are not part filled, you'll see a message listing the orders that cannot be completed and asking if you wish to proceed with the completion of the others.        

    Completing multiple orders will still generate a single notice per order.

    You might want to complete a part-filled order if the vendor is unable to fulfill the rest of the order. This would then close the order as complete.

    Complete orders from the Order List

    To complete orders:

    1. Add the orders to the Order List, and select the ones you want.
    2. Click Complete or right-click and click Complete.
    3. Click Yes at the confirmation prompt.
    4. You'll then be prompted whether to send a completion notice to the vendor. Select the delivery method for the vendor or vendors, and then click OK to send a notice. Or simply click Cancel if you don't want to send a notice.

    Complete orders from a PO

    To complete orders from a PO:

    1. Add the PO to the Purchase Order List, and select it.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. Select the order or orders you want.
    4. Click the down arrow next to More Actions and then click Complete, or right-click and click Complete.
    5. Click Yes at the confirmation prompt.
    6. You'll then be prompted whether to send a completion notice to the vendor. Select the delivery method for the vendor or vendors, and then click OK to send a notice. Or simply click Cancel if you don't want to send a notice.


    When a part filled order is completed, we reduce the commitment by the cost of the items that have not been received. For example, if we order 3 copies but only receive 2 then the commitment will be recalculated as 2/3 of what it was. The item that was not received will also be removed from the database, so the items linked to the order will reduce from 3 to 2.

    However, if an item has been invoiced (even if it hasn’t been received), then we will not remove the cost from the commitment. For example, 3 copies are ordered, an invoice is created for all 3, and we have only received 2. When the order is marked as completed, the commitment will remain what it was. It does not matter whether the invoice has been approved or not.


    You can complete a subscription order regardless of whether the invoice has been approved or not. For example, say there are subscriptions to the same title and only 3 copies have been received each time. You can complete the subscription order that was never received and apply a credit note to that order.

    Blanket orders, standing orders and purchase orders

    Blanket orders, standing orders and purchase orders cannot be marked complete if there are approved invoices attached to them.

    On the other hand, if there are invoices attached to these orders, and the invoices are ‘Draft’ or ‘Pending’ status, the order can still be marked complete.

    To do this, you will have to find the invoice (through Enquiry) and retrieve it to the Invoice List. Now, you can delete the invoice and then go back to the Order List or Purchase List and select the order that you want completed.

    Non-bibliographic orders

    To mark non-bibliographic orders as complete, there must not be any approved invoices attached to it. As non-bibliographic orders cannot be checked in, an approved invoice is equivalent to the item being checked in.
    Therefore, it is recommended that each non-bibliographic item ordered is invoiced separately (e.g. an invoice for 3 chairs are invoiced as 3 separate invoices rather than 1 invoice). This way, you will be able to complete the order if you do not receive 1 or 2 out of the 3 chairs ordered.

    However, this is also subject to the invoices not being approved. If the invoices have not been approved, these invoices must be deleted first, before the non-bib order may be marked as complete.

    See Also