Spydus Help
Acquisitions / POs / Working with a PO
In This Topic
    Working with a PO
    In This Topic


    To select the vendor you can either:

    Once a vendor is selected, you'll see View and Clear buttons rather than Link. You can click View to see details of the vendor or Clear if you want to select a different vendor.

    When you select a vendor the Currency and Delivery method will be automatically set to the values specified in the vendor details, but you can change the values for the PO if you wish. Select:


    If you select a specific location then this will be the only shipping address on the PO, i.e. all the items being ordered are to be delivered to this one location

    If you select "<decentalised>" then we'll show a separate shipping address for each location specified in the order, e.g. two items to be shipped to location A, one item to location B and three items to location C.

    Sort the orders on a PO

    You can sort the orders on a PO by clicking a column heading. For example, if you want to sort by order date, click the Date column once to sort in ascending order and then click a second time sort in descending order.

    You can only sort one column at a time.

    Select orders on a PO

    To select one order:

    To select multiple orders:

    Select or deselect the checkbox in the first column heading to select or deselect all the orders.

    View order details on a PO

    To view details of an order:

    1. Select the order you want.
    2. Click View or right-click and click View.

    Edit an order on a PO

    To edit an order:

    1. Select the order you want.
    2. Click Edit or right-click and click Edit.
    3. Make your changes.
    4. Click Save & Close to go back to the PO.

    Remove an order from a PO

    Removing an order from a PO does not cancel or delete that order. It simply removes it from the PO.

    To remove orders from a PO:

    1. Select the order or orders you want, and then click Remove. You can also right-click and click Remove

    Copy an order on a PO 

    To copy an existing order to create a new one:

    1. Select the order you want.
    2. Click Copy or right-click and click Copy. This opens a new order with all the details from the original order except for the ID, reservations and requestor.
    3. Complete the order details, and click Save & Close. This saves the new order to the Order List, and returns you to the PO.