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Cataloguing / Add and edit holdings / Item maintenance / Item maintenance - Details Tab
In This Topic
    Item maintenance - Details Tab
    In This Topic

    Barcode number

    Scan or type the accession number here.


    Scan or type the RFID number here.

    Location and Sublocation

    Select the location and sublocation from the drop-down list. The list of sublocations is only populated when the location is selected.

    A "location" is the physical building (aka branch) the item is housed in.

    A "sublocation" is the location within the building, usually a separate room. Items would typically be loaned and returned from this sublocation. It is more commonly used as an issue location rather than an item location, so the library can obtain circulation statistics based on the location of the transaction.


    Select the collection from the drop-down list.

    This is typically a breakdown of the library collection which determines where the items are shelved and how loan policies are applied. The collection does not have to be specific to a location, e.g. there may be a Junior Fiction collection at branch A and also at branch B.

    Collections can also be grouped for loan policy purposes, e.g. Junior DVDs and Adult DVDs may be grouped under a DVDs parent collection. This grouping will take place during the commissioning phase.

    The collection is mandatory. We use this to determine the catalogue filter.

    Category 1 and Category 2

    Category 1 is used for further breakdown of a collection (typically genres). Staff can search using the category 1 and obtain statistics based on the category. Loan policies do not use the categories.

    Category 2 is an alternative further breakdown. It operates the same as category 1.

    For example you might have “Guidebooks” as one of your category 1 codes, and include “Africa”, “Australia”, “South America”, etc. in your category 2 codes. But equally category 2 may be a completely different set of codes. Libraries often use this to display the language of the material.

    The category 1 codes are set up in the CGF lookup and the category 2 codes are set up in the CGS lookup table. They can be maintained using the Table Manager.

    Box set

    The item you are adding can also be added to a box set.

    Call number

    This is where you specify the classification scheme, class number, suffix, etc. Select the Prefix overwrite checkbox if you want to specify a different prefix. The call number is automatically created.

    Call number description

    This is where you would specify part-specific information that needs to be printed on the item’s spine label.

    Queue spine label

    When you insert a new item, this checkbox will be selected by default if Spine label request default is set to Yes in the collection parameters.

    This is used in spine label printing. When you select the user ID in the Spine Label Generator, Spydus will check which items have the Queue spine label checkbox selected and will add a request for each one. After you’ve printed the spine label, the checkbox will be automatically cleared.