Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Charges in Circulation / Use charge for deposits, notice processing or refund
In This Topic
    Use charge for deposits, notice processing or refund
    In This Topic

    To specify whether a charge can be used for deposits, notice processing or refunds:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then Charges.
    2. Select the charge you want from the list.
    3. Set the parameter you want to Yes or No.
      • Use as deposit charge. Only charges with Use as deposit charge set to Yes will be listed when you're adding a deposit for a borrower.
      • Use as notice processing charge. Only charges with Use as notice processing charge set to Yes will be listed when you're adding a processing charge for a notice.
      • Use as refund charge. Only charges with Use as refund charge set to Yes will be listed when you're adding a refund for a borrower.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.
    Null means the same as No.  

    CAUTION: Regarding refunds

    Charge codes configured as a Refund Charge can only be used as a Refund. Refund charges can not be added as a Charge in Ad hoc interfaces.

    A refund may be linked to a previous charge.