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Maintenance / OPAC & enquiry maintenance / OPAC HTML Configurator / HTML Configurator - General tab / HTML Configurator - Logo section
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    HTML Configurator - Logo section
    In This Topic

    The Logo section allows libraries to configure the logo image file(s) to use, and the behaviour of the logo.

    Logo link URL

    When the logo is clicked, where will the user be directed.

    By default, the URL is http://www.civica.com, and must be commissioned during implementation or upgrades, or if the Load defaults action has been invoked.

    Logo alternate text

    Alternate text will appear:

    Using alternate text is also good practice to ensure that the site adheres to accessibility standards (for visually impaired users, or text-to-speech).

    Show logo in homepage header

    If only this option is enabled, the Header logo will be displayed in Header row 1 on the home page, and the Navigation bar logo will be displayed in the Navbar on all other pages.

    Show logo in header

    If only this option is enabled, the Navigation bar logo will be displayed in the Navbar on the home page, and the Header logo will be displayed in Header row 1 on all other pages.

    If both Show logo in homepage header and Show logo in header are:

    • enabled, the Header logo will be displayed on all pages
    • disabled, the Navigation bar logo will be displayed on all pages

    Header logo URL

    The path to the logo that will be displayed in Header row 1. Hover over the  at the end of the row to preview the logo.

    Navigation bar logo URL

    The path to the logo that will be displayed in the Navbar. Hover over the  at the end of the row to preview the logo.

    Show library name in navigation bar

    This feature requires license version 11.2 or higher.  

    If selected, the library name (as set in the Library name - appended to page title parameter) will be displayed above the search bar at the OPAC.