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Maintenance / OPAC & enquiry maintenance / OPAC HTML Configurator / HTML Configurator - General tab
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    HTML Configurator - General tab
    In This Topic

    The General tab contains a broad selection of options related to the configuration and appearance of the library's OPAC. 

    Library name, Home page description & Title separator


    Click image to enlarge

    As the parameter names suggests, the Library name will be appended to the title of any OPAC web pages.

    The Home page description will be added to the html meta tag for all OPAC pages, and may be displayed in internet search results.

    The Title separator will be the characters between the page name (e.g. Home) and the Library name.

    The Title separator for page character should be prepended and appended with a non-breaking space character to avoid the page name looking squashed. e.g. space | space

    Timeout period

    The timeout period applies to both:

    In the case of a logged in session, if the timeout period elapses without any activity, the logged in borrower will be logged out, and the session will be returned to the Homepage URL.

    In the case of an anonymous session, if the timeout period elapses without any activity, the session will be returned to the Homepage URL.

    Homepage URL

    This is the page that a user will be directed to when they:

    The default value of the Homepage URL field is "/spydus.html". The default page specified in the spydus.html file is the OPAC homepage (/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/MSGTRN/WPAC/HOME).

    Comments and tags

    Enable un-moderated comments

    If this option is checked, logged in borrowers may review titles at the OPAC without requiring the approval of library staff.

    Disabling this option means only that borrower reviews will require approval. If a library wishes to disable reviews completely, this should be done using Display Parameters for the OPAC Bibliographic record Full xDisplay.

    Enable public tags

    Enabling this option will allow borrowers to add tags (e.g. subject, genre, mood) to bibliographic records, which will be displayed to other members.

    Tags are not moderated, and are free text.

    Enable private tags

    Enabling this option will allow borrowers to add tags to bibliographic records, though these tags are visible only to themselves.

    Show staff tags

    Enabling this option will allow Staff Tags to display in the Tags container at the Full display of a bibliographic record at the OPAC.

    Two-Factor Authentication

    This feature requires server version 10.8.2 or higher.  

    If Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) has been enabled for a borrower, when a login attempt is made at the OPAC, a page will be displayed allowing the borrower to select the method of delivery for the 2FA code. The borrower must have the required contact detail (email address or mobile phone number) added to their account for that delivery method to be displayed.

    The parameters below determine the text displayed, and the masking of personal information in the contact details.

    Email help text

    The text that appears under the email option on the two-factor authentication page. The value '{OPTTO}' will be replaced by the stripped email address.

    Email address leading characters

    When the delivery method is email, this parameter specified the number of real leading characters of the email address to show.

    Email address default value

    When the delivery method is email, this is the value to show after the real leading characters.

    Show domain of email address

    When the delivery method is email, this option determines whether or not to display the domain of the borrower's email address.

    Examples of 2FA email parameter configuration:

    If the borrower's email address is 'example@email.com' and;

    • Email address leading characters = 3, Email address default value = *** and Show domain of email address is checked, 'exa***@email.com' will be displayed
    • Email address leading characters = 2, Email address default value = +++ and Show domain of email address is unchecked, 'ex+++' will be displayed

    SMS help text

    The text that appears under the SMS option on the two-factor authentication page. The value '{OPTTO}' will be replaced by the stripped mobile number.

    Mobile number default value

    When the delivery method is SMS, this is the value to show before the real trailing characters.

    Mobile number trailing characters

    When the delivery method is SMS, the number of real trailing characters of the mobile number to show.

    Examples of 2FA SMS parameter configuration:

    If the borrower's mobile phone number is 0401 234 567 and;

    • Mobile number default value = *** and Mobile number trailing characters = 3, '***567*' will be displayed
    • Mobile number default value = +614**** and Mobile number trailing characters = 4, '+614****4567*' will be displayed



    Reset Password

    This feature requires server version 10.8 or higher.  

    Register online

    Brief Display

    Record format icons

    Item material type icons

    Digital assets default icons

    Enriched content



    If ePayment integration has been configured for the library, check this box to enable borrowers to pay charges using ePayments at the OPAC.

    If ePayments are not yet configured for the library, this functionality requires additional commissioning and a fee applies. Please contact your Civica Account Manager for more details.


    Global/Consortium parameters apply only if a library is operating as part of a consortium.

    QR Code

    If QR Codes are being displayed at the Bibliographic record Full Display (see Display parameters), the options here will determine:


    This feature requires server version 10.6.1 or higher.  

    New Titles

    This feature requires server version 10.7.1 or higher.  

    Previously Borrowed

    This feature requires server version 10.8 or higher.  

    Recently Returned

    This feature requires server version 10.8 or higher.  


    This feature requires server version 10.8 or higher.  


    This feature requires server version 10.8.2 or higher.  

    If the library is running Google Analytics 4 (or later), enabling this option and entering the GA4 Measurement ID will enable analytics gathering for the OPAC.

    If the library is also using Matomo, statistics will be available from both Google and Matomo.


    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.