Spydus Help
Circulation / Home Services / Print a "pick list" of items available for profile allocation
In This Topic
    Print a "pick list" of items available for profile allocation
    In This Topic

    Rather than print individual slips for each item, you can print a “pick list” of the reserved titles for all the borrowers on the selected round. The list shows only the reservations that were placed through profile matching that haven’t been allocated.

    To print the list:

    1. From the Module Menu select Circulation, Home Services and then Available for Profile Allocation.

    Select the location you're working from if required.

    All the collections that allow profile matching are selected by default.

    All the item status to exclude — i.e. those that block profile matching — are selected by default.

    1. Click Submit. This lists the items available for allocation for the matched borrowers.

    You can sort the set as required. For example, you might sort by collection and call number to make the items easier to find on the shelf.

    1. When you’re done selecting your sort options, click Instant Report. This starts a server task to generate the report. When the task is finished, click the Static HTML link to the HTML page to view and/or print the report.

    You can also print a pick list from Reports.