Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Circulation general parameters / Lost and paid / Grace period for lost and paid items
In This Topic
    Grace period for lost and paid items
    In This Topic

    You can use Deactivate item when lost and lost processing charges paid to specify that lost items are deactivated when the associated lost and lost processing charges are paid. If you do deactivate these items, you can specify that an item will be reactivated if it's returned within a number of days. To do this:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then General Parameters.
    2. Set the Grace period for lost and paid items.
      null There is no limit to the number of days.
      0 Lost and paid items are NOT reactivated.
      n Lost and paid items are reactivated if they are returned within "n" number of days, e.g. set this to 50 and items will be reactivated if returned within 50 days of deactivation.
    3. Press Tab or click anywhere on the screen to enable to Save options.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Grace period for lost and paid items only applies if Deactivate items when lost and lost processing charges paid is set to Yes. 

    For items to be reactivated when they're returned, Block reactivation of items must be set to No.

    See Also