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    Loan Policies - Loans
    In This Topic

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    Allow issues Allows items under this policy to be issued.
    Allow issues - alert override If Allow issues is No then you can specify the alert to be displayed if you try to issue an item under this policy.
    Allow issues only after this time Items can only be issued after this time.
    Allow issues only on or after this date Items can only be issued on are after this date.
    Borrower privilege level Specifies the privilege level the borrower requires to be able to borrow items under this policy.
    Cutoff period for overnight minute loans Specifies a number of minutes before closing time. A minute loan issued within this period would be an overnight loan.
    Display alert if borrower has title Displays an alert if you try to issue an item and the borrower already has a copy of the same title.
    Display alert if last copy issued Displays an alert if the issue/renewal is for the last copy of a title.
    Grace period for overnight minute loans The grace period for overnight minute loans. For example, set this to 30 and an overnight minute loan will be due back 30 minutes after opening time on the next open day.
    Ignore calendar Specifies whether the calendar is ignored in the calculation of due dates, overdue loans and fines.
    Inhouse loan Indicates the item should not be removed from library.
    Loan period for day/minute loans The number of days or minutes an item is issued for under this policy.
    Long overdue period in days/minutes Specifies when items become long overdue.
    Lost period Specifies when overdue items become lost.
    Lost period if claimed returned Specifies the number of days after a loan is declared claimed returned that it should have its status set to lost.
    Maximum loans The maximum number of items issued under this policy that a borrower can have on loan at one time.
    Minimum loan period for minute loans The minimum loan period for minute loans.
    Overriding due date/time If you specify a date/time here then this will be used as the due date/time for all items issued under this policy.