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Cataloguing / Special characters and diacritics / List of other special characters
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    List of other special characters
    In This Topic

    There are special character which are not user in conjunction with other characters. They occupy their own spacing positions.

    Mnem Mnemonic name Unicode name Unicode
    <+-> Plus or minus Plus-Minus sign 00B1
    <AE> AE Latin Capital Letter Ae 00C6
    <ae> ae Latin Small Letter Ae 00E6
    <ain> Ayn Modifier Letter Turned Comma 02BB
    <alif> Alif Modifier Letter Apostrophe (Was Modifier Letter Right Half Ring) 02BC (was 02BE)
    <cyt> Copyright sign Copyright Sign 00A9
    <deg> Degree sign Degree Sign 00B0
    <eth> Eth Latin Small Letter Eth 00F0
    <flat> Musical flat sign Music Flat Sign 266D
    <hkO> Hook O Latin Capital Letter O With Horn 01A0
    <hko> Hook o Latin Small Letter O With Horn 01A1
    <hkU> Hook U Latin Capital Letter U With Horn 01AF
    <hku> Hook u Latin Small Letter U With Horn 01B0
    <i!> Inverted exclamation mark Inverted Exclamation Mark 00A1
    <i?> Inverted question mark Inverted Question Mark 00BF
    <mdot> Middle dot Middle Dot 00B7
    <mz> Miagkii znak Modifier Letter Prime 02B9
    <OE> OE Latin Capital Ligature Oe 0152
    <oe> oe Latin Small Ligature Oe 0153
    <p> Pound Pound Sign 00A3
    <pat> Patent Registered Sign 00AE
    <poL> Polish L Latin Capital Letter L With Stroke 0141
    <pol> Polish l Latin Small Letter L With Stroke 0142
    <scyt> Sound recording copyright Sound Recording Copyright 2117
    <shrp> Musical sharp sign Music Sharp Sign 266F
    <slO> Slash O Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke 00D8
    <slo> Slash o Latin Small Letter O With Stroke 00F8
    <ssl> Script small l Script Small L 2113
    <Thn> Thorn uppercase Latin Capital Letter Thorn 00DE
    <thn> Thorn lowercase Latin Small Letter Thorn 00FE
    <tki> Turkish i Latin Small Letter Dotless I 0131
    <tz> Tverdyi znak Modifier Letter Double Prime 02BA
    <XD> Cross D Latin Capital Letter D With Stroke 0110
    <xd> Cross d Latin Small Letter D With Stroke 0111
    Latin Small Letter Sharp S 00DF
    Euro Sign 20AC
    See Also