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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Policies / Loan policies / Reserved title days, minutes and limits
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    Reserved title days, minutes and limits
    In This Topic

    If a title is on loan to a borrower and has pending reservations, the reserved title parameters allow libraries to limit the number of times and the period that the title may be renewed.

    Unlike the reduction of an initial loan period where the title has pending reservations (where a reservations per copy/title threshold must be reached), the renewal parameters for reserved titles will be applied where there is a single reservation for the title.

    In most situations, library staff will configure these parameters to all borrowers enough time to return a reserved title so that they may avoid overdue fines.

    This feature requires server version 10.8 or higher.  

    To specify the renewal limits for reserved titles under a loan policy:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Circulation > Policies > Loan Policies.
    2. Select the desired policy from the list.
    3. In the Renewals section, set the reserved title parameters;
      • Reserved title - renewal days - The number of days a loan can be renewed for when there are pending reservations for the title.
        • If renewal days is set, then renewal minutes will be ignored.
      • Reserved title - renewal limit - The maximum number of times a loan can be renewed when there are pending reservations for the title before the alert 'RSVISSN' is applied.
      • Reserved title - renewal minutes - The number of minutes a loan can be renewed for when there are pending reservations for the title.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Example: If the renewal limit is set to 1 and the renewal days period to 3, borrowers can renew reserved titles via the OPAC once only, for three days. Subsequent renewals will trigger the existing alert (RSVISSN).

    If a loan is being renewed and Reserved title - renewal days/minutes settings are configured, Reduction rate for loan period settings will be ignored.

    The reserved title parameters will also override any configured Renewal Type limits.

    If the reserved title parameters are applied to a renewal period in Circulation, the RSVRNWPRD alert will be displayed. 


    This alert will not be displayed at the OPAC or in self-service.