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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Circulation general parameters / General parameters for branch transfer requests
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    General parameters for branch transfer requests
    In This Topic

    Branch transfer requests can help get items to borrowers faster. When you place a reservation and there are items available at another location, we give the option of choosing a “branch transfer request”. If you choose this option then an email will be sent to the location that has the available item. 

    In the Circulation general parameters you specify whether you’re using branch transfer requests, the charge codes, item status and borrower trap to apply, and whether emails are sent.

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then General Parameters.
    2. Set up the Reservations (Branch Transfer Request) parameters you want (see below for details).
    3. Click Save or Save & Close.

    In the reservation policy you can specify the charges/points to be applied for a branch transfer request.

    Branch transfer request active

    Set this to Yes if you’re using branch transfer requests. If branch transfer requests are active and there are available items then you’ll see a checkbox on the Place Reservation page — Request branch transfer of an available copy.

    You can’t use branch transfer requests if you’re using shelf check, so if you set Branch transfer request active to Yes then you should switch off shelf check.
    If your library is part of a consortium then you should also set Branch transfer request active in the global general parameters.

    Branch transfer request charge code

    Specifies the charge code to be applied when a branch transfer request is placed.

    Branch transfer request return charge code

    Specifies the charge code to be applied when a branch transfer request is returned to its home location.

    Check availability at home location for branch transfer requests

    Set this to Yes and the NTREQAVAILHOME alert will be displayed if you place a branch transfer request and there are items available at the borrower’s home location.

    If your library is part of a consortium then you should also set Check availability at home location for branch transfer requests in the global general parameters.

    Check item location when allocating non branch transfer request reservations

    Set this to Yes and non-BTR reservations will only be allocated if the item’s home location is the same as the pickup location.

    If you set this parameter to No or null then non-BTR reservations will be allocated even if the item’s home location is different from the pickup location.

    Item status to be set when a branch transfer request is placed

    Specifies the status to be set against an item that’s been requested for branch transfer.

    Reservation no show borrower trap (transfer request)

    Specifies the trap to be applied to a borrower who fails to pick up an allocated BTR item.

    This uses the Reservation no show borrower trap expiry period and the Reservation no show borrower trap suspended period. See Reservation no show.

    Send branch transfer request cancellation email

    Specifies whether to send an email when a branch transfer request is cancelled. The email is sent to the item’s home location and the reservation pickup location.

    We use the Inter branch request email address on the Properties tab in the Location Parameters if there is one. If there isn’t one then we use the Email address on the Address and Contact tab in the Location Parameters.

    Send branch transfer request placement email

    Specifies whether to send an email when a branch transfer request is placed.

    0 No.
    1 Send an email to the item’s home location.
    2 Send an email to the reservation pickup location.
    3 Send an email to both the item’s home location and the reservation pickup location.

    The email shows details of the reservation and details of the item. We use the display parameters to supply the details that get displayed in the email.

    We use the Inter branch request email address on the Properties tab in the Location Parameters if there is one. If there isn’t one then we use the Email address on the Address and Contact tab in the Location Parameters.

    Send branch transfer request placement received email

    Specifies whether to send an email when a branch transfer request is received.

    0 No.
    1 Send an email to the item’s home location.
    2 Send an email to the reservation pickup location.
    3 Send an email to both the item’s home location and the reservation pickup location.
    We use the Inter branch request email address on the Properties tab in the Location Parameters if there is one. If there isn’t one then we use the Email address on the Address and Contact tab in the Location Parameters.