Spydus Help
Maintenance / Acquisitions maintenance / Vendors / Claims, reminders and notes for a vendor
In This Topic
    Claims, reminders and notes for a vendor
    In This Topic

    You can set up details of the claims and reminders for different order types for each vendor. These are then automatically applied to an order when you select the vendor.

    To add, edit or delete the notice parameters for a particular order type:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Acquisitions and then Vendors.
    2. Do one of the following.
      • Type the Code for the vendor you want, and press Tab.
      • Click Search, find the vendor you want, and click Select Record.
    3. Click the Claims and Notes tab.
    4. Select the Order type.
    5. For continuous order types such as blanket orders, standing orders and subscriptions you'll need to select the Frequency.
    6. Do one of the following.
      • Click Add to add a new notice type, and set the parameters you want (see below for details).
      • Click Edit to make changes to the parameters for an existing notice type.
      • Click Delete to delete the notice type.
    7. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Claims and reminders

    Load all/current defaults

    Claims and reminders can also be set up in the Acquisitions General Parameters.

    Click Load All Defaults if you want the vendor to have all the claims and reminders that are currently set up in the general parameters.

    Click Load Current Defaults if you want the vendor to have the claims and reminders for the currently selected order type (and frequency).

    Notice type

    Specifies the type of notice: cancellation, claim, reminder, priority claim or priority reminder.


    Specifies when the notice  is to be sent.

    For monographs the period is relative to the Expiry date in the order details. For subscriptions the period is relative to Date order expected in the Issue/Order Status details.

    In the example below, the first notice is sent 7 days after the issue is expected, and the second notice is sent 14 days after the issue is expected.


    Delivery method

    Specifies how the notice is to be delivered.

    Claim and Cancellation Agreement/Policy

    This free text field below the Claims and Reminders notices allows information to be recorded regarding the policy or agreed terms between the library and the vendor when claims or cancellations are made.


    The Notes field lets you record any remarks you may have about this vendor. 


    Delivery Terms and Conditions

    This free text field may contain notes about the delivery terms specific to the vendor.

    Claims and reminders scheduled task

    To automatically generate claims & reminders notices as configured, the appropriate scheduled task mast be configured.

    Please contact Civica Support for assistance as commissioning is required.  
    See Also