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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Circulation general parameters / Borrower Contact Details Confirmation
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    Borrower Contact Details Confirmation
    In This Topic

    You can use the Address confirmation parameters to send a letter to borrowers who join online asking them to confirm their address online. To specify these parameters:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then General Parameters.
    2. Set up the Address Confirmation parameters you want (see below for details).
    3. Click Save or Save & Close.

    The letters are generated in PDF format and output to the Server output directory defined in the Notice Parameters. The PDF documents have names in the form AddressConfirmation_{yearmonthday}_{hourminutesecond}.pdf, for example, AddressConfirmation_20151030_125938.pdf.

    Each letter has a unique/random code which the borrower can enter in their OPAC account to confirm the address.

    If an address confirmation letter has been requested but not yet printed or validated then we show "Letter requested (not printed)" on the Full Display of the BRW and BRWD in Staff Enquiry.

    Address confirmation active

    This specifies whether you’re using the address confirmation feature. If this is set to Yes then a prompt to send an address confirmation letter will be displayed on the join online form in OPAC.

    Null means the same as No.  

    Address confirmation borrower category

    This specifies the category to be applied to a borrower when the address is confirmed.

    Address confirmation borrower status

    This specifies the status to be set against a borrower who registers online and requests a confirmation letter. This status is automatically removed when the address is confirmed.

    Address confirmation borrower trap

    This specifies the trap to be set against a borrower who registers online and requests a confirmation letter. This trap is automatically removed when the address is confirmed.

    You might want to create a new trap for the Address confirmation borrower trap. We recommend that the trap has Allow manual removal set to Yes, Allow manual setting set to No, Check all institutions set to Yes, and Default trap as global set to Yes. The other trap parameters can be set how you like.

    Address confirmation validation period

    Once the address confirmation letter has been generated, a borrower has this many days to confirm their address. If they don’t confirm their address within this period then they’ll need to ask staff to manually remove the Address confirmation borrower trap.

    Email confirmation active

    If this parameter is set to Yes, when a borrower's email address is added or changed, an email is sent to the new address with a link for confirmation. The Email confirmation borrower trap is automatically set against the borrower.

    Email confirmation borrower trap

    If specified, this trap will be applied to borrowers if an email address is added, or changed. The trap is automatically removed if the email address is confirmed (by clicking the link in the email). If no trap is specified, no trap will be applied.

    It may be desirable to add a new trap and a new alert if using the Email confirmation feature, and specify the new alert as the Alert for validation/activity trap. This would cause the alert to be displayed when scanning the borrower's card in the Circulation module.        

    Suggested Alert parameters:

    • Description - Email address confirmation required.
    • Alert text for OPAC users - A confirmation request has been sent to your new email address.
    • Alert text for staff - Email address confirmation required.

    Suggested Trap parameters:

    • ID - EC
    • Description - Email address confirmation required
    • Alert for validation/activity trap - EMAILCONFIRM.
      • If an alert is not specified, the default alert BRWDLQGEN will be used.
    • Allow manual removal - Yes
    • Trap on borrower validation - Yes

    All other Trap parameters may be left as null or No.

    Trap parameters may be configured to block the sending of notices until the email address has been confirmed.

    Email confirmation message content

    The content of the confirmation email delivered to borrowers may be customised on the Communications tab of the HTML Email & Slips Configurator.