Spydus Help
Requests / Acting as an ILL Lender
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    Acting as an ILL Lender
    In This Topic

    Inter-library loan lending processes can vary considerably between institutions. The below is an example workflow only.

    Register the ILL recipient as an Institutional borrower

    1. Navigate to Circulation > Borrower > Register > Institution.
    2. Fill out any required and desired information in the Institution borrower registration form.
      • Institution name - Name of the institution
      • Category - It is recommended to create a Borrower category for institutional borrowers, so that a loan policy specific to ILLs can be applied.
      • Location - Usually the location from which your library would issue ILLs to this institution.
      • Registration expiry - Specify an expiry date for this institutional borrower
      • Contact details - It is recommended, though not required, to add details for a contact at the institution
      • Address - It is recommended, though not required, to add address details for the institution
    3.  If the institutional borrower will also be acting as a Lender for your library, configure the Dispatch Methods section as appropriate.
      • Dispatch method - Specifies how an inter-library loan request is typically dispatched to this lender.
      • Charge photocopy - Specifies the charge the lender makes for a photocopy request.
      • Charge loan - Specifies the charge the lender makes for a loan request.
      • Days to return - Enter the number of transit days for an item to be sent back to the lender.
      • Specialisation - Specifies any particular areas that the lender specialises in.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.

    This registration form can be customised distinctly from the General borrower form in Borrower registration parameters.

    Configure a loan policy for inter-library loans

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Circulation > Policies > Loan Policies.
    2. Click New.
    3. Specify the scope of the policy (in this case, likely based on an institutional Borrower category and/or the issue Location), then click OK.
      • It may be desirable to configure additional policies that exclude certain collections from being loaned to institutions.
    4. The parameters of the default policy are automatically inherited by the new one. Disinherit any parameter(s) as required by either:
      • clearing the checkbox to the left of the parameter,
      • clicking Inherit None, or
      • clearing Use default values.
    5. Configure the parameters as required. See Loan policies for details of the parameters.
    6. Click Save
    7. If required, click Edit Hierarchy to configure the policy hierarchy, then click Save or Save & Close

    Issue an item to an institutional borrower

    1. Search for and validate the institutional borrower in the Circulation module.
      • Institutional borrowers can be filtered using the Institution drop-down in Borrower Search forms.
    2. Scan the item barcode at the Issues interface.
    3. Ensure that the appropriate policy is applied to the loan.