Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Collections / Details for collections / General
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    Allow profile matching Set this to Yes and items in the selected collection will be used in profile matching.
    Allow reservations Allows items in this collection to be reserved.
    Alternative URL

    Rather than link to the collection web page set up in the display parameters, you can specify an alternative URL here if you wish.

    Average price The average price for items in this collection.
    Block transfer to closed reserve Set this to Yes to prevent the transfer of items from the selected collection to a closed reserve collection.
    Book group kit Set this to Yes and the selected collection will be added to the HBG lookup table and consequently included in the book group kit search form in OPAC.
    Call number prefix The call number prefix for this collection. This is inserted automatically when you specify an item's collection.
    Cancel reservations automatically Cancels unallocated reservations automatically when items are moved to this collection.
    Closed reserve collection Indicates that this collections can be used for closed reserve. Setting this to Yes will add the collection to the HCR lookup table.
    Collection category Use this to group a collection into a category. This can then be used with the loan quotas that get set in the borrower category.
    Display alert on issue at self check terminals Issuing items in this collection at self service terminals will trigger Circulation alert 'COLBLKSLF'.
    Global ID This is used in the scope of global reservation policies.
    Holdback days This period is added to the item's bibliographic release date (tag 366, subfield b) to set the item's holdback date automatically when it is ordered.
    Item status after accessioning Status to be applied to an item after it has been accessioned.
    Item status after check-in Status to be applied to an item after it has been checked in.
    Item status after printing spine labels Status to be applied to an item after the spine label has been printed.
    Material collection Specifies whether the selected collection may be associated with a material item.
    Maximum overdue fine as amount The maximum overdue fine for one item, expressed as an amount.
    Maximum overdue points The maximum overdue fine for one item, expressed as points.
    Media type This is used to determine whether items in the selected collection can be issued at self-check terminals.
    Minimum borrower age Borrower must be at least this age to be able to borrower items from the selected collection.
    Processing charge Processing charge for lost or damaged items in this collection.
    Separator for call number prefix An overriding separator for items in the selected collection.
    Spine label request default Specifies whether the Queue spine label option in Item Maintenance will be selected by default for items in the selected collection.
    Stack collection Specifies whether the Request from Stack option is displayed in Web Enquiry/OPAC for items in the selected collection.