Spydus Help
Cataloguing / Add and edit holdings / Item maintenance / Item maintenance - Details 2 tab
In This Topic
    Item maintenance - Details 2 tab
    In This Topic

    Acquired price and Retail price

    Specify the acquired price and the retail price. These are used to calculate the replacement charge for lost or damaged items. The replacement charge will be:

    Date acquired

    The date when the item was acquired.


    Type the name of the donor (if there is one).

    Stock rotation allowed

    Select this checkbox if the item is available for stock rotation. The checkbox will be selected by default if Stock rotation default is set to Yes in the collection parameters.

    Stock rotation plan

    Stock rotation is typically defined at the collection level. Then items in a specified collection will be rotated between different locations and collections.

    Rather than rotate by collection, you can set up stock rotation plans, and then attach a plan to a specific item using the Stock rotation plan box.


    Provides a space for you to type any notes you might have about the item.


    You might use this for a group.


    Use this to specify the URL for electronic resources.


    You can use this to suppress a particular item form OPAC. See Suppress items from OPAC for more information about how you can suppress items at the location level and collection level.

    Edit item status

    Click Edit Item Status to set or remove statuses for the selected item. The statuses already set are listed at the bottom of the screen.