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    Recommendations for library operations during COVID-19 restrictions

    How can I configure Spydus so that my staff can work from home?

    Since Spydus 10.1.3, the Spydus web-based apps (WBA) have supported 2-factor authentication (2FA) for access outside of the library's whitelisted IP range.

    If 2FA has not yet been configured for your library, the Spydus Cloud & Managed Services team will need to set it up. For more information, please see the included 2FA fact sheet (pp. 2-15).

    How can I add institution/branch holidays, as our branches will be closed?

    Holiday periods may be added either institution-wide or at a branch level using the Locations details page in the Maintenance module, under the Circulation heading. See the included Holidays for location article for more information (p.16).

    How can I extend the due dates of outstanding loans for our borrowers?

    To assist borrowers in avoiding overdue loans that might be incurred due to library closure, or self-isolation requirements, we recommend using the Bulk Change Due Date feature, located under the Other menu in the Circulation module. See the included article for more information (p.17).

    How can I update my slips and notices to provide borrowers relevant information on operations changes?

    Libraries on Spydus 10.1.5 server and later can use the HTML Email & Slips Configurator, located in the Maintenance module, under the General menu, to add updates on library practices during this time.

    On the General tab, there are sections for Email and for Printed Slips. To communicate any changes, it is recommended to use either the Message section (to display information in the body of the communication), or the Footer section (to display at the bottom). Remember that there are separate Footer and Message sections for both Email comms and Printed Slips, so both may need to be edited.

    See the included HTML Email & Slips Configurator article below for more information (pp.18-20).

    For libraries on server versions earlier than 10.1.5, staff will need to edit the XSL templates on the server. Contact the Civica Service Desk if further information is required.

    How can I update my OPAC to provide information on operations changes?

    Libraries on Spydus server version 10.1.4 and later can use the Contain Parameters interface to easily add a tab or container including information on changed conditions. See the included Container Parameters article below for more information (pp.21-22).