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Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Circulation general parameters / Loans / Family loan quota
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    Family loan quota
    In This Topic

    This feature requires server version 10.8 or higher.  

    Family loan quota

    A family loan quota may be used to introduce a shared loan quota for borrowers linked by (and including) a common head of family. In the case that a family loan quota is used, the maximum loans parameter of the borrower categories of the family members will not be used.

    e.g. A family is composed of three borrowers;

    Each category has the Maximum loans parameter set to 10, however the Family loan quota is set to 50. When a loan is issued to any of the members of the family, the Maximum loans parameters will be ignored, and the Family loan quota will be checked. Collectively, the family may issue up to 50 loans between all members (regardless of the number of family members).

    To set a family loan quota:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Circulation > General Parameters.
    2. In the Family loan quota field, enter a positive number.
    3. Click Save or Save & Close.

    Family loan quota - apply loan policy and collection quotas

    A second parameter allows library staff to decide whether the maximum loans for a loan policy or category quotas will be applied.

    e.g. With the same family group in the example above, for the DVD collection category;

    If the Family loan quota - apply loan policy and collection quotas parameter is null or set to No, these category quotas will be ignored. In this case, the family members may borrow up to the Family loan quota limit regardless of the category quotas (or other loan policy maximums).

    If Family loan quota - apply loan policy and collection quotas is set to Yes, then policy and category quotas will also be validated.