Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Circulation general parameters / Loans
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    Allow issue at other institutions

    Allow overnight minute loans

    Allow renewal at other institutions

    Allow return at other institutions

    Bulk change due date - notify borrower

    Check loan policy for maximum loans

    Cutoff period for minute loans

    Cutoff period for renewals

    Days until suppression of loan history

    Display borrower expiry alert at issue/renewal

    Display ILL alert at issue/renewal

    Display item notes at issue/return

    Display overdue alerts at issue/renewal

    Display due date alert at renewal

    Family loan quota

    Family loan quota - apply loan policy and collection quotas

    Holidays extend due date

    Mandatory override note

    Maximum loan period that can be set in Local Settings

    Minimum loan period that can be set in Local Settings

    Overdue processing start time

    Refund lost charge by default

    Registration expiry overrides due date if occurring sooner

    Remove lost charges on return

    Return items automatically

    Self service renewal type

    Use current location for loan policy

    Use renewal overdue days limit defined in loan policy