Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Locations / Details for locations
In This Topic
    Details for locations
    In This Topic

    What would you like to know about?

    Apply profile matching Set this to Yes and items at the selected location will be used in profile matching.
    Block transfer to closed reserve Set this to Yes to prevent the transfer of items from the selected location to a closed reserve collection.
    Borrower home location Specifies whether the selected location can be a borrower's home location.
    Cc address for newsletter subscription E-mails to subscribe or unsubscribe a borrower to/from the newsletter will be cc'd to this address
    Cc address for welcome emails Welcome emails you send to new borrowers will be cc'd to this address.
    Circulation login location Specifies whether you can login to the selected location in circulation.
    Event location Specifies whether the selected location can be an even location.
    Inter branch request email The email address for inter branch requests for the selected location.
    Item location Set this to Yes and the selected location can be a sublocation for an item or a stock rotation plan.
    Path to welcome email attachments Specifies the path to a file attachment for welcome emails.
    Path to welcome email attachments when joining online Specifies the path to a file attachment for welcome emails to borrower who register online. 
    Pickup location Specifies whether reservations can be collected from the selected location.
    Pickup location (archive request) Specifies whether requests placed in Archives can be collected at the selected location.
    Pickup location (OPAC) Specifies whether reservations placed in OPAC can be collected at the selected location.
    Send welcome emails Specifies whether to send welcome emails to new borrowers who are registered by staff.
    Send welcome emails when joining online Specifies whether to send welcome emails to new borrowers who register online.
    Shelf check location Specifies that the selected location is used with shelf check.