To specify whether to send a welcome email when a new borrower is registered:
This specifies whether you're prompted to send a welcome email to new borrowers who are registered by staff.
Null means the same as No. |
This specifies whether to send welcome emails to new borrowers who register online.
Null means the same as No. |
Welcome emails you send to new borrowers will be cc'd to this address. Spydus will automatically supply the Internet protocol so don't include it in the email address, for example, enter rather than
E-mails to subscribe or unsubscribe a borrower to/from the newsletter will be cc'd to this address. Spydus will automatically supply the Internet protocol so don't include it in the email address, for example, enter rather than
If you’ve specified the Newsletter subscription service URL in the Circulation General Parameters then we ignore the Cc address for newsletter subscription.
Specifies the path to a file attachment for welcome emails. Any file type, for example .pdf or .doc, will be sent as an attachment.
The file path specified must be accessible to the application server. This means that the file must not be stored on the local PC. You can include logos in the body of welcome emails. The logo needs to be provided to Spydus Support Staff for commissioning, in the correct size and format (usually a jpg the same size as would go on a letter head).
Specifies the path to a file attachment for welcome emails to borrower who register online. If this isn't set then the Path to welcome email attachments is used.
Here are two examples of how the parameter settings will work.
In this first example the welcome email is cc'd to the Cc address for welcome emails and to the Cc address for newsletter subscription.
In this second example the welcome email is cc'd to the Cc address for welcome emails. No email is cc'd to the Cc address for newsletter subscription.