Spydus Help
Circulation / Local settings
In This Topic
    Local settings
    In This Topic

    In the local settings you can specify overriding or temporary settings for loan period, grace period, date and time, etc.

    Local settings in Circulation

    To change these settings in Circulation:

    1. From the Module Menu select Circulation, Other and then Local settings.
    2. Make your change (see below for details).
    3. Click Save.

    Whenever you change any of the local settings from their default values, you will see "Override settings are active!" at the top of the Issues or Returns View. You can click the "X" to reset the override settings to the default values. The override settings are also cleared when you select another borrower (if Clear OLP per borrower is selected) and when you change transaction type, e.g. from issues to returns.

    Local settings in Circulation Offline

    To change these setting in Circulation Offline:

    1. Click the Circulation Offline icon in the System Tray, and click Open.
    2. Click Start Offline.
    3. Specify your username and password, the location and line, and click OK.
    4. Click Settings and then Local Settings.
    5. Make your change (see below for details).
    6. Click OK.

    Whenever you change any of the local settings from their default values, you will see "Local settings active" at the bottom right of the Offline Transactions dialog. You can click Clear on the Local Settings dialog to reset the override settings to the default values. The override settings are also cleared when you select another borrower (if Clear OLP per borrower is selected) and when you change from issues to returns, or from returns to issues.


    Loan policy

    For day loans, specify a number of days in Day loan period or a date in Date due back. For minute loans, specify a number of minutes in Minute loan period or a time in Time due back.

    If you have a high enough privilege level you can select Set indefinite loan period to specify an indefinite loan. If you select this option you can choose an override reason. This reason will be recorded against the loan record.

    The maximum loan period and minimum loan period that can be set are specified in the Circulation general parameters.

    The loan override reasons are set up in the LPVRN lookup table, and can be maintained using the Table Manager.

    Location and line

    You can temporarily change the current branch or PC by selecting another from the drop-down list.

    Grace period

    Day loans specifies the number of days grace for overdue day loans and Minute loans specifies the number of minutes grace for overdue minute loans.

    If you have a high enough privilege level you can select Indefinite grace period to specify an indefinite period of grace for overdue day loans or minute loans.

    The maximum grace period that can be set is specified in the Circulation general parameters.

    Override date/time  

    Use Override date and Override time to temporarily change the current date and time.

    Waive fines, waive rental and display fines

    Select Waive fines if you want to waive all fines automatically when you are returning items in WBA Circulation. If the Waive fines option is selected you also have the option of selecting Display fine.

    Select Waive rental if you want to waive all rental charges automatically when you are issuing items in WBA Circulation.

    Inhouse return

    Select Inhouse return if you are returning items that have been used in the library and were not on loan.

    Print slips per item

    Select this option to print a separate issue/return slip for each item.

    Clear OLP per borrower

    Select this option if you want any local settings to be cleared automatically when you select another borrower. Typically this option would be selected.

    Permanent OLP

    This setting only applies in Circulation Offline.

    Select this option if you want any local settings to remain throughout the entire session, e.g. the settings will not be cleared when you change from issues to return.

    Display allocation log

    This setting does not apply in Circulation Offline.

    This can be useful when you want to find out why a reserved item is not being allocated when you return it. Select Display allocation log and we pop up a message if the item cannot be allocated, for example:

    The reasons may be:

    If the allocation log is not displaying any alert when a reservation is not allocated, check the reservation policy & the (potential) loan policy.

    • If the reservation policy does not have a hold period, the item will not be allocated
    • If the loan policy that the item would be issued under does not have loan period, the item will not be allocated

    Stocktake items

    Select Stocktake items if you’re returning items as part of a stocktake process. When the Stocktake items checkbox is selected, a dropdown box will appear that allows you to nominate the collection to which the items are to be returned.

    Since it can take a few days to scan an entire collection, this could lead to a problem if an item is issued or returned before the scanned items are returned as part of stocktake.

    To get around this, you might want to set an Override date as well as the Stocktake flag, i.e. set the Override date to the date that you started stocktake. If the item you're returning has a last sighted date LATER than this date — e.g. because it's been issued to a borrower since being scanned for stocktake or it's been returned, allocated and set aside on the reservation shelf — then the last stocktake date is updated but the return is rejected. (If the Override date was not selected then the last stocktake date would be updated and item would be returned.)

    Return method

    Specify the return method, e.g. bin or normal.

    Return note

    Select a return note from the list or type one manually.

    The return notes are set up in the RNTE lookup table, and can be maintained using the Table Manager.