Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Circulation notice parameters / Set up circulation notice parameters
In This Topic
    Set up circulation notice parameters
    In This Topic

    To set up the circulation notice parameters:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, Circulation and then Notice Parameters.
    2. Set up the parameters you want (see below for details).
    3. Click Save or Save & Close.


    Temp data file

    The temporary data file for printed output. This file is created/updated and then deleted every time you transmit printed notices. You’ll never need to look at this file, although Spydus Support/Development Staff have been known to use it when debugging a problem.

    If you’re using separation codes then multiple temp files will be created rather than just one, e.g. notice.xml.OVD1, notice.xml.OVD2, etc.

    You must specify an absolute path to the computer that’s running the Web server.

    If the site has a test system and a live system, it’s might be a good idea to specify different temp data files for each one rather than have the same file for both. This will avoid any problems where we’re transmitting notices on the test and live systems, and one notice.xml file clobbers the other one.

    Server output directory

    The notices to be transmitted will be stored in this folder. You must specify an absolute path to the computer that’s running the Web server.

    Let's look at some examples of the files you'll find in the output directory.

    • report…txt files. These files give brief details of the notices transmitted in a particular run. These can come in useful to find out any notices that haven’t been transmitted for some reason. The bit after report and before txt is the date and time, for example, the notices in report_20150920_102724.txt were transmitted on 20 September 2015, at around 10:27. You can use the date and time to match the report…txt file with the corresponding xml and pdf files.
    • xml files. Files with a name ending in .xml are the source files we’ve used to create the printed notices. The first part of the file name is the date and time. If you’ve specified a Notice delivery separation code for a particular notice type, then this code will also appear as part of the filename. For example, if you've used OVD1 as the separator for overdue level 1 then you might have a file 20150920_102724_OVD1.pdf.xml. You should never have to look at the .xml files, although they can come in useful for Spydus Support Staff during testing.
    • pdf files. Files with a name ending in .pdf contain the notice delivery documents, i.e. the notices that are to be printed and mailed to borrowers. The first part of the file name is the date and time, and if you’ve specified a Notice delivery separation code for a particular notice type then this code will also appear as part of the filename. For example, 20050920_102724_OVD1.pdf. Open the .pdf file using Adobe Acrobat, and you can then print the notices.
    • speed…txt files. Files with a name speed…txt contain the speedimailer notice delivery documents, i.e. the notices that are to be printed on speedimailers and mailed to borrowers. The first part of the file name is the date and time. If you’ve specified a Notice delivery separation code for a particular notices type then this code will also appear as part of the filename. For example, 20150921_145526_speed_OVD1.txt. Print a speed…txt file from the command prompt.

    Client output directory

    No longer used.

    XSLT directory

    This specifies the folder where the stylesheets for formatting the notices are stored.  You must specify an absolute path to the computer that’s running the Web server.


    CC address

    Circulation notices you've transmitted will be cc'd to this email address.


    FTP server

    The ftp address of the server where Spydus will put the letters.txt file.

    FTP program location

    Specifies where the ftp program is stored.

    FTP username and password

    The username and password required to get FTP access to the server, i.e. the username/password of the administrator.

    Institution code override

    Specify the default institution code. This is required when Protocol C is selected. If no code is specified, then the code from the institution will be used.

    Date format

    Not currently used.


    This is where you specify the protocol (i.e. format) for the notice file that gets exported to i-tiva.

    A If you use this format then the previous.run.xml is used to store a copy of any notices that get sent to the i-tiva server.
    C This is the preferred file format. The previous.run.xml is not used to store a copy of any notices that get sent to the i-tiva server. Instead the notice ID is embedded is the file we send to i-tiva, and this ID is returned in the rejected.txt file. This means you can run the telephone notice generation multiple times on the same day without losing the ability to reprint any rejected calls.

    Temp data file

    The temporary csv file for the output for telephone notices. This file is created every time you transmit notices that are to be sent by telephone.


    SMS notice types

    Specifies which type of notices to be transmitted via SMS. All notice types can be sent via SMS if they are selected in the parameters.

    • BX - Borrower Registration Expiry
    • CB - Debarral
    • I - Invoice
    • IR - Invoice Reminder
    • LCR - Claimed Returned Reminder
    • LCRNB - Claimed Never Borrowed Reminder
    • LCRNBR - Claimed Never Borrower Resolved
    • LCRR - Claimed Returned Resolved
    • LL - Lost Loan
    • LLO - Long Overdue Loan
    • LLR - Reported Lost Loan
    • LM - Loan Reminder
    • LR - Loan Recalled
    • LW - Loan Renewal Reminder
    • O - Overdue Loan
    • OF - Loan Overdue Fine
    • RC - Reservation Cancelled
    • RE - Reservation Allocation Expired
    • RS - Reservation Auto Cancelled
    • RU - Reservation Expired
    • V - Reservation Available



    This is where you specify which languages you'll be generating notices for. The preferred languages for notices are set up in the NTCL lookup table, and can be maintained using the Table Manager.

    In the borrower's registration details you can specify the preferred language for notices.

    Include lost and paid for loans in lost loans notices

    Select this option to include lost and paid for loans in a lost loan notice. 

    See Also