Spydus Help
Requests / Example workflows for requests / Workflow for ILL requests
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    Workflow for ILL requests
    In This Topic

    As of Spydus 10.7.1, it is possible to place ILL requests from the Brief Display of an External Search (via Z39.50) at both the OPAC and in staff Enquiry by clicking the Place Request button.

    In this workflow we'll process a inter-library loan request.

    First we'll use Requests to:

    Then we'll use Circulation to:

    Finally we'll use Requests to:

    Step Task Request status
    1. Navigate to the Requests module. Pending review
    2. Click "Pending" card under "Inter-library Loan" and locate the request you want.

    Click Assign on the Action Menu to assign the request either to yourself or to the relevant staff member. Once this has been done if you navigate to the home screen of the Requests module you’ll see a new row of cards titled "Assigned to me".

    Note: As of Spydus 10.5.1, it is no longer required to Assign a request to a user before setting it to In Process.

    4. Locate the request, click on it to highlight it, and then click In Process on the Action Menu. Select the relevant notification option from the Notes dropdown and select the Notify Borrower checkbox if you wish to update them on the status of their request. In Process
    5. Click on the request to highlight it, and then click Edit on the Action Menu to display details of the request.
    6. First you might search the database to see if you have the item. To do this, navigate to the "Bibliographic Info" section and click Search.

    If the item is not found in the local database, it is possible to perform an External Search to locate the title at another institution (requires Spydus 10.7.1 or later).

    Selecting this option will load a pop-up search window to perform an External Search. If the desired title is found in the External Search set, click through to the Full Display of the record and click Select Record. This will load the MARC record into the local database and link the ILL request to this record.


    If the title is not found in the local database or via external search, click New to create a new brief bibliographic record for the item.

    If you had found the item you would close the request details page, highlight the request in the list and click Complete on the Action Menu. This then allows you to notify the borrower that you have the item.

    9. Once you have created the bibliographic record and submitted it, click Select Record to link the newly created bibliographic record to the request record.
    If the link has been created successfully you’ll see information in the Citation field in the "Bibliographic Info" section.

    Click Save & Close on the Action Menu.


    Click on the request to select it and then click Manage Lenders on the Action Menu to open the Manage ILL page.

    12. Click Add.
    13. Click Search and enter the details of the lender that you would like to borrow the item from. Once you have found the lender that you want, click Select Record to pull their information into the request, and then click Save & Close.
    14. When you’re ready to request the item from the lender click Requested on the Action Menu. This enables you to leave notes for staff if required, notes for the lender, and to transmit the request.
    15. If the lender provides notification that they have shipped the item you’re able to change the status of the inter-library loan to Shipped from lender by clicking the relevant button on the Action Menu.

    Once the item has been received, click Received as loan on the Action Menu. This is the point at which item details may be entered.

    • Accession number,
    • Location,
    • Collection,
    • Item Status (if a status other than the Default ILL item status is required)
    • Date due back
    • Staff notes, if required

    This will create the item record within Spydus.


    After the above step has been completed you will see a Request Complete popup.

    • Click OK to complete the request. You can select from the pre-set responses in the Notes field, or tick the Override message box to provide a custom response to the borrower. To send the response to the borrower ensure that the Notify borrower checkbox is selected.
    • Click Cancel if you don't want to complete the request at this point, for example, you might want to wait until the item is returned to the lender and THEN mark it as completed.
    18. A copy level reservation is automatically placed on the item. You can then return the item at the Circulation Front Desk to allocate it to the borrower.

    Issue the item to the borrower at the Circulation Front Desk.

    If the borrower requires the item for a longer period you might request to renew the ILL request from the lender. To do so, locate the request in the Requests module, select Manage Lenders from the Action menu, then click Request renewal.

    • To request renewal from a lender, the ILL must be in the Received as loan or Renewed from lender status, and the lender must have an email address
      • Select a Proposed due date
      • Compose a Message to lender
      • Click OK to send the email request

    Once confirmation has been received from the lender of the ILL renewal, click the Renewed from lender button in the action bar, then Edit the ILL to set the new Date due back at lender.


    In some cases library staff may opt to skip the Request renewal step. e.g.

    • the lender does not have an email address, 
    • the lender's agreement to loan renewal has been confirmed by another method

    In these and other relevant cases, the user may simply click the Renewed from lender button in the action bar, then Edit the ILL to set the new Date due back at lender.

    20. Return the item as normal at the Circulation Front Desk. This should result in a copy status being displayed asking that the item be returned to the ILL officer.
    21. When it’s time to return to item to the lender, search for the request in the Requests module, click Manage Lenders on the Action Menu, and click Returned to lender. Mark the request as completed.
    See Also