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Factsheets / SLWA batch loads and load control
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    SLWA batch loads and load control
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    This topic give a recommended workflow for loading MARC records issued by the State Library of Western Australia into Spydus.

    SLWA records

    Two different types of records are received from the SLWA: order confirmation records and exchange records. Both of these record types are loaded using the single SLWA load control. The appropriate data is loaded depending on the type of the record.

    Order confirmation records

    Brief order confirmation records are the first MARC records that are received from SLWA. As there is usually no fully catalogued record available at the time of making the order, these records often contain very limited bibliographic details. When received, these records are loaded into the Spydus database using the SLWA load control to create a placeholder order item to indicate that a copy of a title is currently “on order” for a particular location. If copies are ordered for more than one location, separate files of order confirmation records are received for each location.

    When received, these records contain no information about the location they have been ordered for other than in the name of the MARC file. If the records have been ordered for the default location, they can be loaded with no changes and the items will be created using the default location specified in the MARCLOAD parameter. If the records have been ordered for a location other than the default location, the records must be updated using the batch update facilities provided in the Cataloguing module to insert tag 099 with the appropriate location code in subfield l (e.g. 099 #lABC). When the order confirmation MARC record is loaded using the SLWA load control, the location code in tag 099 overrides the default location in the MARCLOAD parameter to create the order item record in the intended location.

    Exchange records

    Full exchange MARC records are received at the same time the items are received by the library. When loaded using the SLWA load control, these full records replace both the bibliographic record and the placeholder order item record created by the load of the order confirmation records.

    These exchange MARC records contain call number data in tag 099 and the item specific barcode and price in tag 945. A separate exchange record is provided for each copy received. If copies are received for more than one location, separate files of exchange records are received for each location.

    Again, when received, these records contain no information about the location they have been ordered for other than in the name of the MARC file. If the records have been ordered for the default location, they can be loaded with no changes and the replaced item records will reflect the intended location. The library can then use Bulk Item Maintenance to transfer the items to the appropriate collections. If the records have been ordered for a location other than the default location, the records must be updated using the batch update facilities provided in the Cataloguing module to append the appropriate location code to the existing 099 tag in subfield l (e.g. 099 #aJF#bSIM#lABC) in order for the incoming record to replace the correct order item record for the matching location when the records are loaded using the SLWA load control.

    Record matching

    Bibliographic record

    The order confirmation and exchange MARC records received from SLWA contain the SLWA control number in tag 001. When loaded using the SLWA load control, the number from this tag is used along with the code “SLWA” to construct tag 035 which is then inserted into the incoming record. This tag is then used to find matching bibliographic records.

    Item record

    If a single bibliographic record has been found or a new one created, the SLWA load control will then process the item record.

    Item record details

    Once an item record is found or created, data from the incoming record is loaded into the item record depending on the type of record.

    If the incoming record is an order confirmation record:

    If the incoming record is an exchange record:

    The default collection code is set up in the SLWA load control. This is usually setup as code ‘EXC’ – Exchange. Although it is possible to override this in the incoming record by setting an overriding collection code in subfield c of tag 099, there is no requirement to do this. Both the order item records and the exchange item records can be in the one collection. The order item records can be separately identified by the presence of the AOL item status code or by the received flag. Once the exchange records have been loaded, the bulk item maintenance facilities can be used to transfer the items to the appropriate collections.

    Preliminary set up for SLWA

    The site should provide the institutional borrower barcode, the default location code and the default collection code. The following steps will need to be completed for each institution in a consortium.

    Create an institutional borrower

    Go to Circulation > Borrower registration and create an institutional borrower record for SLWA. The record must have a unique, identifying barcode number. The record is marked as an institutional lender and will be used as the lender for ILL records created during the load for the institution.

    The Lender checkbox must be selected and Dispatch method should be "Already contacted" as requests are made by a different system.

    A different record must be created for each institution in a consortium. This barcode is set as the borrower barcode for the SLWA institutional lender in the SLWA load control.

    Create a collection for SLWA items

    Go to Maintenance > Circulation > Collections and create a new collection for items created by the incoming order confirmation and exchange records. This is usually setup as "EXC" (Exchange). This collection will be set as the default collection code in the SLWA load control.

    Create an AOL item status

    Go to Maintenance > Circulation > Item Status and create a new item status with code "AOL" and the description "On order (SLWA)". This status code will be added to the order items when they are created from the load of the order confirmation records and will be removed when these order items are replaced by the load of the received exchange items

    Load control for SLWA

    Please contact Civica Support for assistance as commissioning is required.  

    Records received from the SLWA are loaded into the Spydus database using a batch MARC load control called SLWA. This is a special load control which has been written especially to process these records. The matching and load parameters for this load control cannot be changed. It specifies:

    When item records are loaded using this load control they are created with the default location and default collection unless otherwise specified in the incoming MARC records.

    Create a load control "SLWA" using "Format: BIB". The details of the load control will be set to the default values. There is no need to select any matching tags.

    Workflow for loading SLWA records

    Records are supplied by the SLWA as a batch file of MARC records. These files are then loaded through the batch load function of the Cataloguing module.

    This is a recommended workflow: