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New Features in Spydus 10.9 / Reports features in Spydus 10.9
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    Reports features in Spydus 10.9
    In This Topic

    Group by Collection Category (CCGY) in Circulation reports

    Circulation Reports may now be grouped based on Collection category.

    The following reports now support this grouping:

    • Bookings Summary Report
    • Circulation Analysis Report
    • Deleted Items Report
    • Holdings Summary Report
    • Inhouse Returns Report
    • Issues Trend Report
    • Overdue Report
    • Payment Summary Report
    • Reservation Summary Report
    • Reservation Trend Report
    • Reserved Items Report
    • Top Borrowers Report
    • Top Loans Report
    • Top Titles Report

    Add additional Request Reports to WBA

    This feature requires server version 10.1.6 and above.

    A number of new Requests reports have been added to the Reports module.

    Current ILL Requests

    The Current ILL Requests report shows counts of current Inter-Library Loan requests grouped according to user-defined criteria

    Current Purchase Requests

    The Current Purchase Requests report shows details and counts of current Purchase Requests grouped according to user-defined criteria.

    Current Requests

    The Current Requests report shows details and counts of current Requests of all types grouped according to user-defined criteria.

    Request Details

    The Requst Details report shows details of all Requests in a user-defined period, grouped according to user-defined criteria.

    Requested Titles

    The Requested Titles report shows the number of Requests placed for each title in a user-defined period, grouped according to user-defined criteria.  

     Provide consistent grouping options for Request Reports in WBA

    Grouping options in Spydus Reports have been made more consistent. In particular, Request Summary and ILL Summary reports now include Borrower Home Location as a grouping option.

    Add reports on Digital Asset & Online Resource access at the OPAC

    This feature requires server version 10.9 or higher.  

    Access to electronic resources and digital asset files via the WPAC is now logged for reporting purposes. The Electronic Resource Access & Digital Assets Access reports have been added under the ERM menu in the Reports module.

    Add Location as grouping and filtering option for Events Registration report

    This feature requires server version 10.1.6 and above.

    On the Events Registration report, the Location of Events and Event Sessions may now be used both as a Group by... option, and as a filter option (using the Location table).

     Add 'Available Places' column to Event Session report

    This feature requires server version 10.1.6 and above.

    The Event Session List report now includes the Avail. places column, which provides a count of the number of tickets still available for the session. If there is no registration limit, the column will display 'N/A'.