Spydus Help
Maintenance / Circulation maintenance / Borrower traps
In This Topic
    Borrower traps
    In This Topic

    Traps can be set against borrowers manually, for example if they’ve lost their card, or automatically, for example if items become overdue.

    The borrower trap parameters define, for example, whether traps can be set or removed manually, the staff privilege level required to be able to remove a trap, and whether a trap prevents the borrower from placing reservations via OPAC.

    What would you like to know about?

    Alert for issue/renewal trap

    The alert to be displayed if Trap on issue/renewal is set to Yes. If an alert is not specified then BRWTRPRNW will be used by default.

    Alert for validation/activity trap

    The alert to be displayed if Trap on borrower activity or Trap on borrower validation is set to Yes.  If an alert is not specified then BRWDLQGEN will be used by default.

    Allow manual removal

    Specifies whether the trap can be removed manually.

    Allow manual setting

    Specifies whether the trap can be set manually.

    Block circulation notices

    Set this to Yes to prevent borrowers with the trap receiving circulation notices.

    Check all institutions

    Set this to Yes and the system will check if the trap is present in any of the borrower's accounts in the consortium.

    Default trap as global

    Set this to Yes and the trap will default to global when added in borrower trap maintenance.

    OPAC trap description

    The text to be displayed to OPAC users. If you leave this null then the trap description will be used.

    Privilege to remove, suspend and expire Privilege level required to be able to remove the trap.
    Trap on borrower activity

    Set this to Yes to display an alert when the borrower tries to place a reservation, request, etc. (i.e. for other circulation activity apart from issues and renewals).

    Trap on borrower validation

    Set this to Yes to display an alert when the borrower's barcode number is entered. This only applies in Circulation or at self service terminals, not in OPAC.

    Trap on branch transfer request

    Set this to Yes to display an alert when a branch transfer request reservation is placed.

    Trap on issue/renewal

    Set this to Yes to display an alert when the borrower tries to borrow or renew an item.

    Trap when offline

    Set this to Yes if borrowers are to be trapped when you're using Circulation offline.