Spydus Help
Circulation / Charges, refunds, deposits and demerits / Manually add a lost charge
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    Manually add a lost charge
    In This Topic

    Lost charges can be automatically applied to a borrower when an overdue item becomes lost.

    You can also add a lost charge to an item manually. To do this:

    1. Search for a borrower, load their details and then click the Loans link or the Overdues link in the transaction summary pane.
    2. Select the item you want.
    3. Click Edit Item Status to open the Item Status dialog.
    4. Select "Lost" from the list of Available Statuses, and click Add. This opens the Add Lost Charge dialog.
        The default replacement amount will be:

    The default processing charge is taken from the borrower category or the collection.

    1. Click OK to close the Add Lost Charge dialog , and then click OK again to close the Item Status dialog.