Spydus Help
Maintenance / General maintenance / User Accounts / Add or edit user accounts
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    Add or edit user accounts
    In This Topic
    A red asterisk against a user account shows that changes have been made to it that haven't yet been saved.

    To add or edit an active user account:

    1. From the Module Menu select Maintenance, General and then User Accounts.
    2. Do any of the following.
      • Click New to add a new user account (see below for details).
      • Select the account you want and then click Edit to make changes to it.
    3. Click Save or Save & Close.

    You can also add or edit a user account in Enquiry.

    1. From the Module Menu select Enquiry, Search Holdings and then Boolean Query.
    2. Enter the query FORMAT:USER to list all the user accounts.
    3. Select the user account you want, and then click Edit Record. You can then add or edit user accounts.
    4. Click Save or Save & Close.


    This must be alphanumeric, uppercase, and nine characters or less. This is used to record the updates made by this user, for example, for any issues, returns or payments.

    Full name

    This show the first name, middle name and surname that you specify in Personal names.

    Password and Confirm password

    The password the user will need to start Spydus. A password must comply with the User Password Rules.

    Password does not expire  

    If a library has the staff password expiry scheduled task configured, it is now possible to exclude specific users from their passwords being automatically expired. To allow a user's password to remain valid indefinitely, check the Password does not expire option.

    User Group

    Select the desired user group for the user.

    Prior to Spydus 10.9, the User Group section was positioned lower in the page and displayed the Widget/Workflow roles assigned to the User Group.

    Network ID

    This is used with the desktop modules.

    In Network ID you can specify the domain and username that you use to logon to your local PC. When you logon to any Spydus module, we’ll use this ID to automatically populate the Username and Password fields.

    Here’s how it works. Let's say you specify “australia\johnsmith” as the Network ID for your user account.

    Now log on to your PC as “australia\johnsmith". When you start the Circulation module and specify the Server URL, Spydus looks for a user account with the Network ID of “australia\johnsmith”. If it finds one, it uses the ID and Password for this account as the Username and Password on the Login dialog. So you only need to click OK to logon.

    If you wish, you can clear the Use Windows authentication checkbox and log on using a different Username and Password.

    If Windows authentication is switched on for the Web server, then we’ll use the Network ID to automatically populate the User when you logon to Staff Enquiry.

    Waive approval group

    If the user is to belong to a Waive approval group, select the group from the dropdown here.

    Weeding list approval group

    As of Spydus 10.5, this feature is not currently being used in the general release.

    Expiry date

    If desired, a user can be given access to Spydus for a limited period of time. If a user attempts to log into Spydus after the date set in this field, Spydus will reject the login with the message "This user account is expired".

    Expiry date is set on a per user basis. User Groups cannot be given a fixed term, and User Accounts cannot inherit expiry from other records.

    Generic user

    This is used with Enable cash drawer options for generic staff and Prompt generic staff for credentials on payment/waive/ad hoc charge.

    If you're logged on as a generic user then:

    When logged into Spydus with a Generic user account, users are unable to change the password of that account. Only users with access to the Maintenance module may update the password for a generic user account.

    Read-only user 

    This feature requires server version 10.7.1 or higher.  

    A Read-only user will have access to any modules allowed by their User group, but will not be able to make any changes to any records.

    While a read-only user may have access to interfaces where editing can be performed (e.g. Requests, Orders, etc), changes made by read-only users can not be saved.

    Allow 2F authentication to be enabled

    Select this option if you want the user to be able to log in using 2F authentication. For a generic user the checkbox is set to false and disabled.

    API only

    This feature requires server version 10.5.1 or higher.  

    A user may be specified as API only. API only users will not have access to the web apps, but may be used to interface with the Spydus API. API only users are exempt from the Enable change password at first login parameter.

    Enable access to File Manager

    This feature requires license version 11.2 or higher.  

    If enabled,

    Personal names

    This is where a user's first name, middle name and surname are entered. You can click Search to search for users.

    The user titles are set up in the NAMT lookup table, and can be maintained using the Table Manager.

    Profile image for user accounts

    To add an image to a user account;

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > General > User Accounts.
    2. Select the desired account from the user list.
    3. Expand the Profile Image section, then click Select File.
    4. Browse to the desired image, select it and click Open (or double click in the Open dialog).
    5. Click Save or Save & Close in the action bar. 

    Instead of the user's initials, there will now be a thumbnail of the selected image. Click the thumbnail to open the user menu, then click on the user ID, name, or profile image to open the My Profile page.

    If no profile image is chosen, the user's initials will be displayed.

    Contact details

    This is where you specify the user's e-mail address and phone numbers. Spydus will automatically supply the Internet protocol so don’t include it in the address. For example, enter an e-mail address as library@civica.com.au rather than mailto:library@civica.com.


    This is where you select the user's location, and specify their section, position and department.